Monday, January 24, 2022

It's time for an announcement! After years of waiting, Twisted Wonderland has finally received an official English release! Now I am a bit late with this news, but I only just discovered it myself. After all, Disney's Twisted Wonderland seemed like it would never make its way out of Japan. But as of about ten days ago, it was released globally for international audiences. Fans who have played the original Japanese version say this English adaptation is pretty faithful, too. This game is free to play and available on the app store. However, it should be noted that there are some in app purchases available. Along with this, it's a rhythm game that features characters based on the original Disney villains. Those who have been following my blog for a while would know that I've actually been talking about the game before it was even released, so it's safe to say I'm very excited about the official English release. Hopefully you're all excited for it too. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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