Friday, January 28, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about unhealthy ship dynamics. I don't mention shipping on here very often, so I'll give a brief explanation of what it is. Shipping is when anime fans put two characters in a romantic relationship. Sometimes it becomes canon to the story, and sometimes they never happen. However, not every ship is a good ship. Even popular ships can have very unhealthy dynamics. Just because characters get along sometimes, that doesn't mean they're "meant to be together". I know these are just characters, but it reflects on real life too. Ships like Natsu x Lucy and Naruto x Sakura make it seem like abuse is fine. Sakura and Lucy are very aggressive and have physically hit their respective boys very hard, which isn't really funny or okay. Ships involving child characters are also rather creepy, even if they're both children. Mindset matters a lot as well, especially since even a character who's thousands of years old can still have the mind of a child. I'm not saying characters can't be shipped together at all; it's just important to look at them and see it as if they were actual people. Because as silly as it sounds, these pairings can affect people and how they see their own relationships. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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