Sunday, May 5, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about which Disney villain I most want to see in Twisted Wonderland. There are a few Disney villains who weren't included in Twisted Wonderland. Of course most of the ones who weren't included were sidekicks, but I'm only referring to main villains. Out of all of the overlooked villains and sidekicks, the one I want to see added the most is Captain Hook. It's rather surprising that we haven't seen Captain Hook yet because this one has actually been requested quite a bit. Not only that, but we've also had events that would have made sense if he was included. Events featuring other characters based on well-known Disney villains have gone over well with fans in the past, so seeing more characters being added like this in the future is likely. There are quite a few villain sidekicks that fans are still hoping to see, but it's more likely to have main villains be added first. Out of all of the potential villains, I'd really love to see Captain Hook be added to the game. He's a strong villain, and Peter Pan is one of my favorite classic Disney films. He's also a rather popular and well-known character, so it would make sense to see him sometime in the future. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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