Monday, August 26, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Date Everything. Date Everything is an upcoming dating sim that will be available on quite a few different platforms. It's yet to be released, but it will have a lot of content. Date Everything will have 100 characters you can date, become friends with, or become enemies with. It will be fully voiced, as well. Although this isn't an anime game, the visual novel parts do have an art style similar to the well-known anime style. As the title suggests, this game really does let you date everything. And by everything, it means objects. After receiving a strange package with a pair of glasses inside, the protagonist of the game can now look at objects and see them as people. This causes an interesting situation where they can now interact with, and date, anything in their house. Many people are looking forward to this game, especially since it's supposed to be such a big project. Personally, I'm also looking forward to seeing just how filled out this game will be. As always, I will be including the link for the official Steam page below so you all can check it out. Enjoy! 

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