Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I'm back once again to talk about the pigeon milk from Animal Crossing. I never really thought I'd talk about this, let alone twice. But after doing some research, I'm back with my findings. I've looked around to see what other fans think this might be, and aside from the wrong answer of actual pigeon milk (the consistency is wrong), it seems to be pretty widely agreed that this could just be a brand. It's either just a brand name, a special blend that Brewster makes, or just regular milk that Brewster calls pigeon milk. My personal favorite theory is that it's a special blend of milk that is made especially for Brewster's shop. Many fans even think it could be a type of non-dairy milk, since there's a lot of different vegetarian recipes in the game. Whatever the answer is, I don't think it's literally pigeon milk. There's no way Brewster would just ruin our coffee like that. Not to mention the way the player character describes it when it's added just sounds like regular milk or cream. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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