Friday, April 26, 2019

Another Twisted-Wonderland dorm has been revealed, along with three new characters! The new dorm is called Octavinelle, and I will obviously be listing the new characters for today's blog post. I will also be including pictures of them too. But since they were just revealed, there aren't really any pictures of them yet. So, I'll just be using screenshots from the website instead. However, I would first like to mention that Twisted-Wonderland hasn't actually been confirmed to be an otome game. It seems as though many people assumed it would be and put it in their articles, which caused a lot of misinformation to spread. So until we know for sure, it's not an otome game. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Azul Ashengrotto

2.) Jade Leech

3.) Floyd Leech

Well that's all I have for now!  Hopefully we'll be getting another dorm revealed soon! But for now, I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post!

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