Friday, April 19, 2019

It's time for another new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Kakuzu from Naruto Shippuden. Kakuzu is a member of the Akatsuki, and he came from Takigakure. His partner is Hidan. Much like Hidan, Kakuzu is immortal as well. However, they gained their immortality through different means. Kakuzu is a greedy person, and he generally doesn't like doing things if it won't turn a profit. He often collects bounties to turn in to his bounty officer as well, even while he's on missions. Unlike the other Akatsuki members, Kakuzu doesn't get along very well with his partner. Despite this, they still work well together on missions. Kakuzu also has a violent temper, which made Hidan a good partner for him. Since Hidan is immortal, Kakuzu couldn't kill him. As always, I will be including a picture of Kakuzu below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

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