Monday, April 8, 2019

Sick of hearing the word post yet? For today's blog post, I will once again be talking about the possibility for an uncut English dub for Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters. Although it's been years since the initial production of the uncut version of Yu-Gi-Oh made by Funimation, fans are still upset that it was never finished. In fact, it barely even started before 4Kids pulled the plug on it. However, there is now an official uncut English sub for it on Crunchyroll. But, this isn't exactly the same. For example, the uncut English dub still used the same voices and names as the 4Kids version of it, whereas the English subbed version obviously still has the Japanese voice cast. The English subbed version also keeps the Japanese names as well. Although this wouldn't be a big deal for someone who hasn't seen the English version of the show before, it makes fans of the original dub very upset. Despite the widespread demand for this, there still hasn't been any mention of the uncut English dub being picked back up. Even if Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular as it was, the release of a finished uncut English dub would more than likely draw the attention of tons of Yu-Gi-Oh fans, especially if they keep the original names and voices used in the 4Kids English dub. A lot of fans complain about the English subbed version because of the unfamiliar and different voices anyways. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As a little bonus, I will be including a Yu-Gi-Oh related picture below. Enjoy!

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