Thursday, April 25, 2019

The very question used for starting off this blog post is a spoiler, so there are bound to be more in this post! That means you guys should proceed with caution! Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the post! So, is Hidan still alive in the Naruto series? Although he was seen being blown up and even buried in one of the Naruto Shippuden episodes, this doesn't necessarily means he's dead. Hidan is immortal after all. However, there is one thing that can kill him. This thing is malnutrition. Since he's currently buried without any available food or water, does this mean he's gone? This is most likely the case, but it might not be true. As disgusting as it may seem, Hidan could probably get nutrition from eating the dirt around him. He may not be willing to go to these lengths to stay alive, but if he did he would still technically be immortal. So if he was ever dug up, he could easily be put back together and go back to living his life without any problems. His Akatsuki ring and cloak may make him seem like a threat, but it all depends on who finds him. These are mainly just my thoughts on this topic anyways though. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still like this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Hidan below. Enjoy!

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