Wednesday, November 9, 2022

It's post time! With the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet just over a week away, many leaks are spreading quickly online. This is because many people have gotten the game early. However, I won't be talking about leaks today. Instead, I'd like to talk about official reveals. Even though the games are very close to release, we're still missing a lot of Pokemon. We have yet to officially see any of the evolutions for the starter Pokemon, and there's only been a small handful of Pokemon revealed so far. This is pretty unusual as far as Pokemon reveals go. It could be to encourage people to play the new games, but I've found that not releasing Pokemon often does the opposite. If people play the new games and dislike the Pokemon, they're less likely to look forward to new games. On the other hand, they're more likely to want to play the games if they get to see the Pokemon and get attached to them first. Sometimes it takes some time to warm up to new Pokemon, and fans don't get that chance when they're introduced to many new Pokemon all at once. There have been quite a few Pokemon in the past that were originally disliked, but slowly became fan favorites after being used in the games. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It's unlikely we'll get many more Pokemon revealed officially before the release of the games. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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