Monday, November 7, 2022

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about Kazuaki and Kazuaki-kun from Hatoful Boyfriend. However, there will be major spoilers for the games if you haven't played them. Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know but wanted to read on anyways, the Kazuaki Nanaki we originally meet in the game is not Kazuaki. He is, in fact, Hitori Uzune pretending to be Kazuaki. So for fans of the one and only real Kazuaki, I've decided to talk about some differences between them so they can be told apart. The first main difference is the fact that Hitori sleeps excessively when he is Kazuaki. This is most likely because of the stress he's usually under. Because of this, all merchandise for him will always have his eyes closed to show he's sleeping. On the other hand, the real Kazuaki is very sensitive. So all of his merchandise will show him crying instead. The other difference is their names. The original Kazuaki is called Kazuaki-kun instead of just Kazuaki. This was originally done with one of the books to let fans know it was a different Kazuaki. Since it worked so well, the name stuck. Another name used for Kazuaki-kun is The King. This name is often used for merchandise and things pertaining to the current games because this is how he was introduced in Holiday Star. Although there generally isn't much of anything for Kazuaki-kun, he's one of my favorite characters. I know others like him as well, so I wanted to do this blog post for anyone who may be confused. As always, here's a picture of Kazuaki-kun with his least favorite vegetable, the eggplant. Enjoy!

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