Wednesday, November 16, 2022

It's time for yet another new blog post! With new bipedal or human-like Pokemon being added every new generation, it brings up a question people often ignore. That question is: can Pokemon fall in love with humans? It's been casually stated previously that some Pokemon used to be people, and Pokemon and humans share the same ancestors. With the more human-like Pokemon, one can't help but wonder. It hasn't really been confirmed one way or another, which is most likely because Pokemon were originally supposed to be like animals. However, this isn't really the case anymore. There are quite a few human-like Pokemon now, and some Pokemon who even used to be human. If Pokemon and humans can fall in love, are they outcasts? Are they ridiculed for it? Or is it considered normal? If they can't, why can't they? Pokemon who were humans wouldn't like other Pokemon, they would most likely still be attracted to humans. The same can go for the more human-like Pokemon. Sure they've always been Pokemon, but they're not exactly the same as other Pokemon who are more like animals. This may be a really weird subject, but the question is bound to pop up when you add these details. Given what we've been told, I believe there's some sort of weird line for what is and isn't allowed. Like human-like Pokemon with human-like intelligence or formerly human Pokemon might be okay, but more animal-like Pokemon aren't. Or it could be no Pokemon are allowed. Or, on the more horrifying side, maybe all Pokemon are allowed. Whatever the case, I think I've thought about this enough for one day. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, anyways. If any of you would like to add anything, please feel free to leave a comment below! As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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