Tuesday, November 29, 2022

It's time to post. Today's blog post will be about Lawless from Servamp. There will be some spoilers, though. So proceed with caution. Although I've talked about Lawless a few times already, it feels like there's always more to add. Lawless is one of the more tragic characters in the show, even though nearly all of them have their own issues. His problems with attachment can make him seem very cruel, since they lead to him killing his eves when he gets bored of them. However, this is simply because he doesn't want to get too attached to them. After losing the only person he ever loved, he couldn't bring himself to care for anyone else. Killing his eves may seem extreme, but that's the only way to get rid of them once they're bound. Servamps also have no say in if they're bound or not, so it likely isn't Lawless's fault he kept getting eves. He has mentioned that he picks talented eves, but that doesn't mean he really does. Maybe in the past he was hoping to connect with someone else, or maybe he's always been too scared to get attached again. We'll never know for sure. But aside from his violent side, it's easy to sympathize with his pain. Regardless, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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