Saturday, November 19, 2022

It's time to post! While listening to Vocaloid songs earlier as almost all otakus do, I stumbled upon a producer I haven't listened to in a while. That producer, is MJQ-P. Although most of their songs are from 8 to 10 years ago, they've made more music as recently as a year ago. Their songs are on both soundcloud and youtube, but I normally use youtube so I can see the lyrics. But when I tried to go to their channel today to see their other songs, I was told it doesn't exist. Their songs are on youtube, and they do show up when you search for them. But when you go to their channel, it doesn't even show up. This is very strange, since both the youtube and soundcloud accounts are still up. Although I don't know this producer personally, I wanted to talk about this strange glitch for others who might be fans of this somewhat obscure artist. For those of you who have never heard of them before, I highly recommend their music. I'll be including the song I first heard by them, but they have many more to choose from. Enjoy!

Cutie Cute Kitty Cat by Hatsune Miku:

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