Thursday, November 17, 2022

New day, new post! While looking at hair colors for a Genshin Impact character list, I noticed how little variety there really was. I was going to list characters with purple hair, only to find there were just four. Most of the characters have blonde, white, brown, or blue hair. Every other color is severely lacking. Even new characters often fall into these categories. It's hard to tell why this is, but hopefully we'll get more variety in the future. With the other things we're missing, it will take a while to catch up. We've just gotten the dendro element, so there aren't many dendro characters so far. Things like this means a lack of color variety isn't exactly the focus point of most fans. After all, we still haven't even gotten a small boy or hydro claymore character. I just wanted to talk about this because I find the lack of colors a bit odd. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this somewhat trivial blog post!

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