Thursday, August 24, 2023

It's Near's birthday! Happy birthday Near! So for today's blog post, I will be answering some commonly asked questions about him. There are a few questions fans usually ask about him, so I'll be answering them today. Enjoy!

1.) Is Near a boy or a girl?
Near is a boy. This one was pretty easy to answer.

2.) How old is Near?
He was about 18 at the end of the main series. Although, now he is 28 in the newest Death Note one shot. (He was born in 1991 in the manga and 1994 in the anime.)

3.) Is Near a child?
No. He's small, and he has childish tendencies. But he's an adult.

4.) How tall is Near?
He's 155 cm, or about 5'1.

5.) Is Near better than L?
Near himself says he isn't. He's L's successor because he was the most suitable replacement. However, even Near admits he isn't as great as L was.

Near in the anime.

Near currently.

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