Thursday, August 31, 2023

What is wrong with Vocaloid merchandise and collaborations? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! It's no secret that I'm pretty sick and tired of seeing Hatsune Miku everywhere. But, this problem isn't just because of the merchandise. Let me explain. Hatsune Miku is obviously always going to be at the front of everything. She's the most popular Vocaloid ever, and she's very recognizable. Because of this, she often gets exclusive merchandise. But it isn't just the merchandise. She gets the most songs in every game, she gets all of the merchandise, she takes up 90% or more of every live show, she's usually the only one featured in collaborations, and she's nearly everywhere you look nowadays. Don't get me wrong, I know she's popular. But Vocaloid fans are getting sick of her. Even other Vocaloids from the same company are swept under the rug; and there are only six of them. I have never seen any official merchandise with just Kaito on it, and I wouldn't even go to a live show because he probably wouldn't even be there. A couple other Vocaloids do get more attention, like Megurine Luka and Rin and Len Kagamine. But even Rin gets more attention than Len does. It's honestly pretty ridiculous. Ignoring the other Vocaloids will end up costing the company money because fans will just make their own merchandise or buy it elsewhere. They'll stop going to live shows if their favorite Vocaloids have limited screentime; if they even perform at all. Hatsune Miku started out as part of a group, and I personally think it should've stayed that way. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I've talked about this before, but it likely won't have any effect. I just wanted to bring it up again because I recently saw three more Vocaloid collaborations that only featured Hatsune Miku. Again. But, regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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