Sunday, June 3, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the ongoing Mystic Messenger Twitter event that Cheritz is currently holding. That's right, Cheritz is holding another Twitter event for Mystic Messenger! For this event, participants get to tweet their favorite Mystic Messenger quote by either typing it out or uploading a screenshot. If you can't choose just one Mystic Messenger quote, you're allowed to type out multiple quotes or upload multiple screenshots. If you are typing it out though, you'll have to specify which character said the quote. The prize for this contest is one free random Mystic Messenger emoji cushion, and there will be a total of 10 randomly picked winners in all (5 domestic and 5 international). If any of you would like to participate, this event goes until June 7th. But if you haven't finished the game yet, you probably shouldn't look up the hashtag for this event since some of the quotes could contain spoilers. If any of you guys are interested in this event though, I will be including the hashtag for the event below, as well as the link to Cheritz's official Tumblr page. Enjoy!

The hashtag for the event: #Mysme_Quote

The link for Cheritz's Tumblr:

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