Thursday, June 21, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the shinigami from Deathnote. Even though I have mentioned Ryuk and Rem on here before, today's post will be about the shinigami race instead of just some specific ones. But, there may be some spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! First of all, shinigami are Japanese Gods Of Death. In the Deathnote series, they all live in the Shinigami Realm. Along with this, the Shinigami Realm has become quite empty. Despite this, the shinigami keep taking human lives because they are afraid to die. Even though they can go to the Human World, they usually only go there if a human has picked up their Deathnote. If a human does pick up their Deathnote, the shinigami has to follow the human until they die or give up their Deathnote. Although shinigami usually only take human lives, they can extend a person's life by using their Deathnote to save them. However, the shinigami will perish if they actually do this. Other than this, they are usually immortal. Although there is a lot more to say about shinigami, I don't want to make this post too long. So, I'll end it here. However, I may continue this post another day. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy this post!

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