Sunday, June 10, 2018

Today's blog post will be about No Face from the movie Spirited Away. But before I start the post, I would like to mention that there will be spoilers for the movie in this. So, proceed with caution. Now then, on with the post! No Face is a tall black spirit that appears at the bath house early on in the movie, and he is one of the main characters. He can turn himself invisible too, and he does it a few times throughout the movie. Although the mask he wears has a mouth on it, his real mouth is actually much larger. But, his real mouth is hardly ever visible. No Face also has the ability to eat other people to gain some of their personality traits and parts of their appearance. He can eat large amounts of food at one time as well. But, it doesn't seem like he can actually eat it, since he spits it out later. Even though he can speak after he eats someone, he himself can't speak at all. Because of this, he usually just makes incoherent sounds when he does try to speak. As a bonus, I will be including a picture of No Face down below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

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