Monday, June 18, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the movie Satellite Girl And Milk Cow. This is actually a Korean movie, but I wanted to talk about it on here because it still uses the anime art style. It's also a pretty good movie too. This movie centers around a satellite named Kitsat-1 and a milk cow named Kyung-Chon. While floating around in space, the non-functioning satellite Kitsat-1 picks up a song being sung on Earth. Interested by this heart-felt song, Kitsat-1 decides to float closer to the Earth to find the man singing it. Meanwhile on Earth, Kyung-Chon has his heart broken. Because of this, he suffers the fate of every other heart broken person, he turns into an animal. When Kitsat-1 is floating closer to find the source of the song, she gets caught up in a magical battle and inadvertently gets turned into a robot girl! After this, Kitsat-1 and Kyung-Chon cross paths. While they are on their journey of trying to avoid the mysterious incinerator and an underhanded poacher, they are aided by a magician named Merlin, who was accidentally turned into a roll of toilet paper. This movie is a slice-of-life romance film with some action and comedy mixed in as well. Although this movie has a rather strange storyline, I actually would suggest watching it. It's actually pretty interesting! Even though there is an English dub for this movie now, I'm not sure if it is currently available on any streaming services. But if any of you guys would still like to watch it, it is currently available English subbed on VRV.

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