Thursday, June 14, 2018

The blog post for today will be a list of three more anime references in Undertale. There are actually quite a few anime references in Undertale, so I decided to list a few more on here today. Now then, on with the post!

This very obvious reference comes from Undyne, and it happens during a call with her in the Hotlands.
 This next reference also comes from Undyne. During this scene, the player gets to choose to tell her that anime either is or isn't real.
This last reference actually comes from Undertale's merchandise line rather than the actual game. But, these pins are so cute that I still wanted to include them on here. As you guys can probably tell, these buttons have the characters drawn in an anime-like art style.
But, that's all of the anime references I have for now, so I'll end it here. I hope you guys enjoy this post though!

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