Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Would Ice Mountain be more popular if all of the members had voices? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! As you guys may know, Ice Mountain is a Vocaloid band, and it's members are Kiyoteru Hiyama, Natsuki Hokaze, Akito Hiyama, Haruto Amane, and Tohma Azuchi. However, Kiyoteru is the singer. So, he's the only one with a voice. Because of this, the others are usually forgotten. Some fans don't even know the other members exist! But would this change if all of the members had voices? Since Vocaloids are usually used for their voices, Ice Mountain is actually very unique. A lot of fans like Ice Mountain because they actually have backstories and because it's Kiyoteru's band. But since the members were made for the music videos, a lot of people don't use them anymore. I personally think that this would change if they did have voices, because then people could use them for things like talkloids. They could also be used for background vocals in some of Kiyoteru's songs too. The only problem with this is the fact that they're not popular enough, so the company most likely wouldn't go out of their way to give the other members voices. But it's hard to say if they would ever get voices, even if they were more popular. It is pretty hard to give Vocaloids voices, after all. Nonetheless, these are mostly just my opinions on it anyways. But, I hope you guys still enjoy this post though!

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