Friday, June 1, 2018

Today's blog post will be a list of five fun facts about Jaehee Kang from Mystic Messenger. Although I have mentioned Mystic Messenger on here multiple times, I hardly ever mention Jaehee on here. So, I decided to make up for it by listing a few fun facts about her. I won't be including any spoilers in this post either. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Other than the MC, Jaehee is the only female member of the RFA.

2.) The RFA members generally rely on Jaehee for a lot of things. However, Jumin is the main one who tends to rely on her.

3.) She has a black belt in judo.

4.) Unlike the other routes, Jaehee's route is currently only a friendship route.

5.) Although she doesn't like it, Jaehee is usually the one who ends up taking care of Elizabeth The 3rd when Jumin is busy. This is because he trusts her with Elizabeth the most.

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