Friday, June 15, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Bananya. Although I have talked about the show Bananya before, I will actually be talking about the cats who live in bananas today. If you guys don't know, Bananya is a popular anime series about Bananya and his friends and family. Of course this means all of the main characters shown in the show are cats who live in bananas. Because of this, nobody knows what these cute cats look like in full. Although a lot of people don't give it very much thought, it's still a lingering question for the series. The obvious conclusion for this is that they really are just cats who live in bananas. This would mean they would just look like a miniature cat if they ever left their banana peels. This can be some-what proven by the fact that they do still have tails. However, their tails are hardly ever visible. But if this really is the case, why don't they ever leave their banana peels? It would be much easier for them to walk around rather than to hop around. But, they could just stay inside their banana peels because it's more comfortable for them. It could also be because they wouldn't be a bananya without a banana peel. Whatever the case is, we probably won't ever be able to see what they look like without their banana peels, since the anime only lasted for one season. These are mostly just my thoughts on it anyways. I hope you guys still enjoy this post though! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Bananya with his tail sticking out below. Enjoy!

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