Wednesday, August 31, 2022

It's time for another post! For today's blog post, I will be ranking animal demons from Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle based on how cuddly they seem. This show is all about comfort, so it's only natural to rank things on how cuddly they are. These ratings will be out of ten, and based solely on my opinions. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Teddy Demons - 10/10 Their fur is supposed to be very soft and fluffy, and they're so cute! Plus they fall asleep easily, so they're great napping partners.

2.) Eggplant Seals - 10/10 Although they're not as fluffy as teddy demons, they are just as cute.

3.) Stamp Cat - 8/10 Very cute, as cats often are. However, Stamp Cat is probably hard to catch.

4.) Ker, Ber, and Ros - 6/10 They're very cute and very fluffy good boys! But, their horns could cause injuries, or worse.

5.) Great Red Siberian - 8/10 Yes, he is on the list. He's an animal demon, so it counts. He's also very fluffy, and the princess has said his fur is very soft. However, he's kind of bossy and intimidating. Plus, he's less of an animal than the others, so it's kind of awkward.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

It's list time! The blog post for today will be a list of three Pokemon who look pretty, but are actually just awful creatures. I'm sure there are many more than three Pokemon who are like this, but I feel like these are the ones that pop up the most when people talk about deceivingly pretty Pokemon. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! And don't get caught by these Pokemon!

1.) Gorebyss

2.) Beautifly

3.) Gourgeist

Monday, August 29, 2022

Will Eevee be getting a new evolution soon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. Even though this question is asked every time a new game is announced, fans still keep hoping for a new eeveelution. However, it seems the answer is still no. Even though it would be a great decision to add another eeveelution, the Pokemon company seems to refuse to add any more. It's unclear why this is, especially since the main selling point for Eevee is its many evolutions. Adding more evolutions would just make it more popular, and it would give fans what they've been asking for for years now. Although the Pokemon in the upcoming games haven't completely been revealed yet, I doubt we'll be getting any Eevee news. After all of the false leaks and missed opportunities, it would almost be a miracle to get another eeveelution at this point. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong this time. Nevertheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Will Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle get a second season? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although nothing has been confirmed about a second season yet, fans are still looking forward to another season. There hasn't been any news from anyone involved in the production, but fans speculate that it may come later in 2022. Considering we haven't had any information, I can't say I agree with that theory. Even though there hasn't been any news, I wouldn't say a second season is off the table. This show is actually pretty popular, and tons of fans are asking for another season. It's also a fairly new anime, so production could be underway right now. Either way, we'll just have to wait and see. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five more pretty flowers from Genshin Impact; along with a picture of each. Sometimes it's nice to just stop and appreciate the flowers. Even in a game, it's nice to just walk around and pick some of the pretty flowers; regardless of if you can use them or not. So, I've decided to list a few more flowers. I actually rather like these lists, because the flowers in Genshin Impact are gorgeous. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Sweet Flower

2.) Calla Lily

3.) Lamp Grass

4.) Dendrobium

5.) Sumeru Rose

Friday, August 26, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Near from Death Note; spoilers included. For some reason, a lot of people dislike Near. They say he's not a good detective, and he isn't nearly as smart as L. They even say he never could've achieved anything on his own. I'm not sure if fans are just bitter over what happened to L, but they treat him very unfairly. Near is smart, and pretty resourceful. He's a talented detective as well, and he was chosen by L to be his successor. He's the smartest child from the orphanage, as well. Even though he is rather codependent and childish, this isn't a bad thing. L was also codependent and a bit childish. Near is very much like L, while also being very different from him. He's a rather good replacement for L, even though most fans would rather L had just stayed instead. Although Near does have his fans, I've still seen a lot of people complain about him. So, I wanted to talk about this. Near is my second favourite character; coming just after L himself. Regardless, this is mostly just my opinion. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

It's time for a new post! Since I've been talking about Sumeru a lot recently, I've decided to take a break from it. So instead, I will be listing eight cloud-like Pokemon; along with a picture of each. These aren't necessarily cloud Pokemon; just some Pokemon who resemble clouds in some way. There's nothing more light or carefree than a cloud, so I hope this post helps you all in some way. Enjoy!

1.) Altaria

2.) Çottonee

3.) Swirlix

4.) Mareep

5.) Woobat

6.) Cosmog

7.) Marshadow

8.) Wooloo

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sumeru is finally here! After exploring the new region for a day, I can say that this region is quite large; even if it is only the rainforest section as of right now. The running around gets very tedious, but luckily the new four-leaf sigils and bouncy mushrooms scattered around make it much easier. There are quite a few large villages and cities to be found, as well. Most of the new enemies are pretty easy to deal with, which is a relief after the Inazuman enemies. The new quests are also relatively easy; although the lack of voice acting makes the longer sections a chore to get through. There are a lot of really nice looking new creatures around too, and some of the new additions are very cute. Along with this, even though certain creatures can be caught with the nets so they can be transferred to your Serenitea Pot, it's important to note not all of them can. Upon entering Sumeru I found a very pretty Rishboland Tiger. Since it didn't attack my character, I assumed it was friendly. However, I soon found out it was secretly an enemy. So don't make the same mistake I did. Otherwise, I highly recommend checking out the new region if you can. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sumeru is almost here! So, the official Genshin Impact youtube channel has just released another new gameplay trailer for the new region! I know I've been talking about this a lot on here recently, but there's just so much to talk about. The new region is coming very soon and Mihoyo is really hyping it up. All of the new teasers and information being revealed for it are really getting the fans excited. Not only this, but Sumeru looks amazing. The music is great as always, and the new scenery and characters are stunning. With the Sumeru region being just hours away, this exciting trailer will be the last teaser for it. As always, I will be including the link for the new video below. Enjoy!

The link for the new Sumeru trailer:

Monday, August 22, 2022

Sumeru is coming! On August 24th, the new Genshin Impact update will be fully released. There will be a whole new region, but there will also be new quests, new characters, new events, and new enemies. The official introduction of dendro will bring new elemental reactions, as well. There will also be new story quests, including one for the upcoming character Tighnari. As with every addition of a new region, players will surely be overwhelmed with all of the fresh content. This region is supposed to be quite large too, and it's split into two sections. With all of the new content and creatures in the Sumeru region, players won't be getting bored anytime soon. And remember, the new update will come with 300 free primogems to make up for server maintenance!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! The blog post for today will be about the Teyvat Times. Now, I'm sure some of you are wondering what this is. For those of you who don't know, the Teyvat Times is an official Genshin Impact newsletter that is run by Mihoyo. This newsletter compiles little trivia facts based on data collected from all of the different servers. These little facts can be anything from how many bird eggs have been collected, to how many players drowned during the recent summer event. They're just compilations of little random facts that are chosen by Mihoyo and put together for the fun of it. Although the Teyvat Times was discontinued for a short while, it was renewed earlier this year. Players love the Teyvat Times articles, so they were really excited when it came back. As always, I will be including a link to the most recent Teyvat Times down below so you all can check it out yourselves. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about a fan art I recently found. I don't feature fan art on here very often, but this one is too good for me to pass up. This one is an unlikely combination of Pokemon and Mario. Waluigi and Lugia have been combined for a glorious, Walugia. Although some people have called this creation cursed, I personally think it's actually pretty great. They're combined really well, and the artwork for it is phenomenal. Even though it was just meant as a joke, it still ended up looking really good. As always, I will be including the link for the original reddit post below so you all can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

The link for the original reddit post:

Friday, August 19, 2022

It's time for another new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing three cute hoodie characters; along with a picture of each. Since I'm feeling extra cozy today, I figured there's almost nothing cozier than a nice comfortable cape or hoodie. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Sleepy Ash from Servamp

2.) Somali from Somali And The Forest Spirit

3.) Umaru from Himouto Umaru-Chan

Thursday, August 18, 2022

What time is it? List time! Today's blog post will be a list of five fluffy Pokemon, along with a picture of each. Fluffy Pokemon are always great, so I decided to list a few today. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Wooloo

2.) Buneary

3.) Whimsicott

4.) Absol

5.) Zorua

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

It's almost fall! As someone who despises high temperatures and loves snuggling up in cozy blankets, I am very ready for the new season. So to celebrate the coming season, I will be listing five fall-like Pokemon; along with a picture of each. These are just a few Pokemon that I think kind of resemble fall in some way. There aren't really many season-specific Pokemon, so I just picked a few good ones. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Sunflora

2.) Deerling

3.) Pumpkaboo

4.) Seedot

5.) Appletun

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about a somewhat common theme in anime that I absolutely hate. That is, when characters are hundreds to thousands of years old, but still attracted to young characters. For example, when vampires fall in love with teenagers. This isn't specific to anime, but it does happen quite often. This also applies to magical characters who look young but absolutely are not young. Just because they look the same age, it doesn't mean they are. One of the exceptions to this rule is Kanna from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. She is young physically and mentally because dragons age much slower than humans. Because of this, it isn't odd for her to like someone who would be at the same age level as her. However, most of the characters who fall into this category are mentally older and only their physical bodies don't age. Because of this, them liking teenagers is pretty much the same as them liking a child. Even if they physically look young, they are very much not young. This doesn't mean they can't like anyone, either. It just means they should probably look for someone older who would actually understand them better. There's nothing wrong with someone looking younger than they are; the problem is when they use their looks to attract minors. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know this is a pretty weird topic that not very many people care about, but it really creeps me out when an anime features someone who's very old being attracted to someone very young. It's kind of awful. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, August 15, 2022

It's time for three more cute pictures! The subjects of today's post will be Kumayuru and Kumakyu from Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. These two cute bears are not only strong, but soft and lovable too. They're very calm and sweet, and they can even change size so they can be small and huggable. I absolutely love these cuties, so I've decided to dedicate a post just for them. Now then, let's get on with the pictures! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 14, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about a popular Genshin Impact theory. Ever since the dendro archon was revealed to be a girl, fans began considering the possibility of her being a false god. This is actually because of a few reasons. The first reason is the mistranslation of the dendro archon being male. But, every mention of the dendro archon being male was later erased and changed. Along with this, the current archon is known as the lesser lord. It's rather odd for the dendro archon herself, one of the main seven, to be called a lesser lord of any kind. Unless the previous archon was more respected than the current one, the title just wouldn't make sense. Fans also use the dendro slimes as an example. This may sound odd, but the large elemental slimes actually reflect their archons. Since the large dendro slime hides itself away and only shows its flower, fans believe this means the real dendro archon is hidden. The large dendro slime can also make smaller imposter slimes that vanish once the large slime is defeated. This theory actually holds quite a bit of weight, and it could really be true. However, we have been disappointed before. As much as I'd like to believe this theory, there's also a good chance this won't happen. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Either way, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

It's post time. For today's blog post, I will be talking about V from Mystic Messenger. There will be spoilers for the game, though. So proceed with caution. V is probably the most tragic character in the game. Although this is a pretty bold statement given every character has some sort of sad backstory, it's actually pretty true. Not only is V still grieving over what happened with Rika, but he's also the only one who knows the truth about her. He had to give up the person he loved the most in order to protect the rest of the RFA. He took on all of the responsibilities, and made up a story to protect the others from the truth. Even after this, he's still treated unfairly by Yoosung; who blames him for everything that happened. V has to protect the RFA, shoulder all of the unpleasant secrets, and live with the knowledge that the person he loved is still out there bordering on insanity. He even tried to help her, only for him to also lose his eyesight. V has been through so much, and he still goes through more the longer he lives like this. This is why I believe V is the most tragic character in Mystic Messenger. But, that's only my opinion. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Which are better, butterfly Pokemon or moth Pokemon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although these Pokemon can't fight to the death to prove who's better, I can judge them harshly based on their designs. Of course I won't be talking about them all individually, since there are actually quite a few. That's why I'm judging them as groups instead. Butterfly Pokemon are clearly made to look much prettier and cuter than moth Pokemon, with the exception of Beautifly which is horrifying in appearance and lore. Along with this, Frosmoth and Volcarona are also pretty and cute, but they're moths. They're also basically the only moth Pokemon like this. However, moth Pokemon have much more unique designs. They're still noticeably moths, but they're much more diverse when compared to butterfly Pokemon. Because of this, it's difficult to say which group is really better. They both have their own strengths, and both groups have Pokemon that I would be willing to deduct points for. So, I think both groups are good. Butterfly Pokemon win for their beauty and cuteness, and moth Pokemon win for their diversity. Also, yes, I did end another competition I made with another tie because I make the rules. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

It's time for yet another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be reviewing The Devil Is A Part-Timer season 2. Spoiler free, of course. I was kind of putting off watching this because I was worried it wouldn't be as good as the first season. The Devil Is A Part-Timer is one of my favorite shows, after all. However, I was pleasantly surprised! Not only do the episodes still have the same feel as before, but the animation is great! I was also very excited to discover all of the original voices, as well! Although we're only a few episodes in so far, these few episodes give me high hopes for the rest of the series. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming episodes, and I hope the anime continues to be as good as it has been. This show has always had a lot of potential, so it's really great to see it finally getting the attention it deserves. Fans have been waiting years for this show to come back, so hopefully it continues down this road. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

It's time for another new blog post. For today's blog post, I will be listing five comforting anime. These are just some anime series that are nice to watch on a relaxing day. They're either laid-back, heartwarming, or both. So, let's get on with it. Enjoy!

1.) The Helpful Fox Senko-San

2.) Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

3.) Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle

4.) Bananya

5.) Gudetama

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! I'm back with more The Devil Is A Part-Timer news! It's true that season 2 is already up and running and has been for a bit now, but there's also an English dub being released! The first dubbed episode was released August 4th, and they will be on Crunchyroll and Funimation. The dubbed episodes are being released relatively quickly, so people who watch the dubbed episodes won't have to wait long to catch up with the ones who watch the subbed episodes. Although it's true some anime fans don't like the dubbed versions, I appreciate how quickly the dub was produced. I'm sure there are many fans who agree with me. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, August 8, 2022

It's list time! Today's blog post will be a ranking of anime snacks. Snacks are often seen in anime, so I'll be ranking some of the popular ones I've tried. Keep in mind these are just my opinions, and the ranks will be out of ten. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Pocky - 10/10 Easily one of my favorites. The only issue is there are never enough in the pack.

2.) Mochi - 8/10 These are really good and very sweet. But the squishy texture is very difficult for me. The coated ones that have things on top aren't as difficult, though.

3.) Purin - 7/10 Purin is pretty squishy and wet, so it's rather difficult to eat. However, it tastes really good. The main part has a more subtle flavor, but the caramel part is amazing.

4.) Ramune - 10/10 This isn't really a snack, but a lot of other lists include it. So I will be too. Ramune is some of the best soda you can get. It has great flavors, and the marble is such a unique addition.

5.) Honey butter chips - 10/10 Yes, these are Korean. No, they aren't in anime. But 707 eats them, so they had to be on this list. I also just really love these things. The flavor is immensely unique, and the sweetness of the honey is so addicting. I'd eat these all of the time if I could. Unfortunately, they're still a bit difficult to find.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I'll be ranking the new Pokemon. Since new Pokemon have been released, I've decided to rank them. This will be a good way to show off the new Pokemon, as well as give some of my thoughts on them. I won't be including the legendaries or starters though. Keep in mind this is also just my opinion. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Cetitan - 6/10 It has a solid design, but it looks pretty awkward and clunky. The points on its face are a little out of place, too.

2.) Fidough - 10/10 A good squishy boy.

3.) Lechonk - 9/10 Very good design; very round. However, I kind of really hate the yellow bags under its eyes.

4.) Paldean Wooper - 9/10 I actually really like how well this regional variant turned out. I just think its shade of brown looks a little odd.

5.) Pawmi - 9/10 You really can't go wrong with another Pikachu clone. But, its tiny little hands don't fit the rest of its design very well.

6.) Smoliv - 8/10 Smoliv is very cute and all, and I love its design. I'm more put off by the bitter oil it can shoot out of itself.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For those of you who don't know, like myself, Mystic Messenger turned six this year. I'm about a month late. But since it's impressive for an otome game like this to still be immensely popular after six years, I'd still like to talk about it. I'd actually like to kind of reflect on what it means to me. Six years is a pretty long time, and I actually got into the fandom as soon as the game came out. I couldn't play it until almost a year later, but I was still a teenager by then. This game has been a huge part of my life ever since it first came out, and I'm impressed with how popular it became. It's helped me through a lot of difficult things, and 707 himself has shaped almost my whole personality. I don't know how much Mystic Messenger has affected other fans, but clearly it's left a big impression. People are still cosplaying the characters, artists still make art and animations for it, and now people are even making tiktoks about it. The reddit is super active, and people play it so often that everyone gets upset when it's down for maintenance. Despite saying they're done adding to the game, Cheritz themselves even still make illustrations, events, and merchandise for it. I've even found Mystic Messenger fans on most of the Amazon reviews for honey butter chips, thanks to 707. Since this post is getting long, I'll end it here. But, I would like to add that I hope this game continues to be as popular and loved as it has become throughout the years. Even now, this has truly become a classic game. Happy sixth anniversary, Mystic Messenger!

Friday, August 5, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! Since I'm pretty sick today and really not feeling well, I've decided to do a nice simple post today. So, I'll just be listing five cute Sanrio Boys pictures. Sanrio Boys pictures are always very bright and colorful, so they're good for when you're down or in a bad mood. Hopefully these pictures help some of you all feel better. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 4, 2022

It's post time! For those of you who don't know, Pokemon recently released a bunch of new information. In yesterday's new Pokemon Presents, new characters, Pokemon, and information was revealed for the upcoming Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. There are a lot of things to sort through, so I'll start with the new region. The new region will be called Paldea, and it's an open world. As the main character, you'll be attending the oldest school in the Paldea region; which will be named Naranja Academy or Uva Academy depending on which version you'll be playing. Here you'll meet new teachers and students, and you'll also be able to learn new things about battling and Pokemon. These new games will also allow you to choose which journey you'll take, since there are three journeys to choose from. On these journeys, you'll meet one of the two Legendary Pokemon. Depending on the version, you'll either meet Koraidon or Miraidon; both of which will serve as your in-game transport. Since there's so much new information, I won't be talking about all of it. However, I will mention that there is a new battle mechanic. Paldea is home to a unique phenomenon called Terastal. This new mechanic will make your Pokemon shine like gems, and it can be used once per battle. It can either strengthen their current type, or it will change their type completely. This, of course, depends on the Pokemon. That's all I'll be saying in this post though. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about a Pixar short. Although Pixar is usually known for their 3-D computer animated content, there is actually one anime-related thing they've made. Well, one so far. This one project, is an anime-style short for their movie Up. That's right, Pixar created an anime version of Up. Although the short itself is just a retelling of the actual movie, the animation is very well done. It shows a lot of the charm Pixar is known for, and it even shows a few tropes seen in anime. The short itself is just over a minute long, and it's a Pixar remix. For those of you who may be wondering, yes, this is an official video from Pixar. I would also like to add that I do know Pokemon revealed a lot of new information for their upcoming games today. However, someone very dear to me is a big Pixar fan, so I wanted to talk about this today for them. I will talk about the Pokemon news tomorrow instead. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including the link for the Pixar short below. Enjoy!

The link for the Pixar remix of Up:

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Why do only certain Pokemon get gender specific forms? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! It may seem like an odd question, since not every Pokemon can receive two forms. Most Pokemon are also pretty gender neutral. But, why do some of them get two forms? It can't be because they look too much like one gender, because Pokemon like Lopunny or Gothorita can be either, even though they're clearly very feminine. However, even these Pokemon have only received one form. Those who have received two forms don't seem to be more popular than any of the others, and their two forms are usually almost identical anyways. Although I don't have an answer for why only certain Pokemon receive two forms, I can say that it's pretty unfair for other Pokemon. If they want some Pokemon to be gender specific, then they should make multiple forms for them. But if even the extremely feminine or masculine Pokemon don't get separate forms, then none of them should have them. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just find it odd that Pokemon like Jellicent get two forms, but Pokemon like Incineroar have only one. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, August 1, 2022

It's time for another list! Since people are inexplicably already getting ready for spooky season, I've decided to list a few of my favorite spooky Pokemon. It's unclear why everyone is getting ready for Halloween on August 1st, but I hope you all like the list regardless. Enjoy!

1.) Litwick

2.) Pumpkaboo

3.) Morelull

4.) Mimikyu

5.) Phantump