Friday, August 26, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Near from Death Note; spoilers included. For some reason, a lot of people dislike Near. They say he's not a good detective, and he isn't nearly as smart as L. They even say he never could've achieved anything on his own. I'm not sure if fans are just bitter over what happened to L, but they treat him very unfairly. Near is smart, and pretty resourceful. He's a talented detective as well, and he was chosen by L to be his successor. He's the smartest child from the orphanage, as well. Even though he is rather codependent and childish, this isn't a bad thing. L was also codependent and a bit childish. Near is very much like L, while also being very different from him. He's a rather good replacement for L, even though most fans would rather L had just stayed instead. Although Near does have his fans, I've still seen a lot of people complain about him. So, I wanted to talk about this. Near is my second favourite character; coming just after L himself. Regardless, this is mostly just my opinion. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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