Saturday, August 13, 2022

It's post time. For today's blog post, I will be talking about V from Mystic Messenger. There will be spoilers for the game, though. So proceed with caution. V is probably the most tragic character in the game. Although this is a pretty bold statement given every character has some sort of sad backstory, it's actually pretty true. Not only is V still grieving over what happened with Rika, but he's also the only one who knows the truth about her. He had to give up the person he loved the most in order to protect the rest of the RFA. He took on all of the responsibilities, and made up a story to protect the others from the truth. Even after this, he's still treated unfairly by Yoosung; who blames him for everything that happened. V has to protect the RFA, shoulder all of the unpleasant secrets, and live with the knowledge that the person he loved is still out there bordering on insanity. He even tried to help her, only for him to also lose his eyesight. V has been through so much, and he still goes through more the longer he lives like this. This is why I believe V is the most tragic character in Mystic Messenger. But, that's only my opinion. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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