Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sumeru is finally here! After exploring the new region for a day, I can say that this region is quite large; even if it is only the rainforest section as of right now. The running around gets very tedious, but luckily the new four-leaf sigils and bouncy mushrooms scattered around make it much easier. There are quite a few large villages and cities to be found, as well. Most of the new enemies are pretty easy to deal with, which is a relief after the Inazuman enemies. The new quests are also relatively easy; although the lack of voice acting makes the longer sections a chore to get through. There are a lot of really nice looking new creatures around too, and some of the new additions are very cute. Along with this, even though certain creatures can be caught with the nets so they can be transferred to your Serenitea Pot, it's important to note not all of them can. Upon entering Sumeru I found a very pretty Rishboland Tiger. Since it didn't attack my character, I assumed it was friendly. However, I soon found out it was secretly an enemy. So don't make the same mistake I did. Otherwise, I highly recommend checking out the new region if you can. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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