Saturday, August 6, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For those of you who don't know, like myself, Mystic Messenger turned six this year. I'm about a month late. But since it's impressive for an otome game like this to still be immensely popular after six years, I'd still like to talk about it. I'd actually like to kind of reflect on what it means to me. Six years is a pretty long time, and I actually got into the fandom as soon as the game came out. I couldn't play it until almost a year later, but I was still a teenager by then. This game has been a huge part of my life ever since it first came out, and I'm impressed with how popular it became. It's helped me through a lot of difficult things, and 707 himself has shaped almost my whole personality. I don't know how much Mystic Messenger has affected other fans, but clearly it's left a big impression. People are still cosplaying the characters, artists still make art and animations for it, and now people are even making tiktoks about it. The reddit is super active, and people play it so often that everyone gets upset when it's down for maintenance. Despite saying they're done adding to the game, Cheritz themselves even still make illustrations, events, and merchandise for it. I've even found Mystic Messenger fans on most of the Amazon reviews for honey butter chips, thanks to 707. Since this post is getting long, I'll end it here. But, I would like to add that I hope this game continues to be as popular and loved as it has become throughout the years. Even now, this has truly become a classic game. Happy sixth anniversary, Mystic Messenger!

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