Monday, August 8, 2022

It's list time! Today's blog post will be a ranking of anime snacks. Snacks are often seen in anime, so I'll be ranking some of the popular ones I've tried. Keep in mind these are just my opinions, and the ranks will be out of ten. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Pocky - 10/10 Easily one of my favorites. The only issue is there are never enough in the pack.

2.) Mochi - 8/10 These are really good and very sweet. But the squishy texture is very difficult for me. The coated ones that have things on top aren't as difficult, though.

3.) Purin - 7/10 Purin is pretty squishy and wet, so it's rather difficult to eat. However, it tastes really good. The main part has a more subtle flavor, but the caramel part is amazing.

4.) Ramune - 10/10 This isn't really a snack, but a lot of other lists include it. So I will be too. Ramune is some of the best soda you can get. It has great flavors, and the marble is such a unique addition.

5.) Honey butter chips - 10/10 Yes, these are Korean. No, they aren't in anime. But 707 eats them, so they had to be on this list. I also just really love these things. The flavor is immensely unique, and the sweetness of the honey is so addicting. I'd eat these all of the time if I could. Unfortunately, they're still a bit difficult to find.

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