Tuesday, September 13, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about two music artists I like. Although they're not technically anime-related, they do use the anime art styles for their videos and album covers. These artists are Snail's House/Ujico and 7Mai. They both make similar music, which is cute upbeat electronic music. Although 7Mai isn't as well-known, their music is just as good. Both of these artists are also located in Japan. They can both be found on youtube and soundcloud, as well. I highly recommend looking into their music if you're interested in something with a happy and upbeat feel to it. It's also very cute, too. Along with this, I'll be including one song by each of them below so you guys can check them out. Enjoy!

Cosmic Love by Snail's House/Ujico: https://youtube.com/watch?v=LPpgxBkDYfY

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