Monday, September 5, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Paimon from Genshin Impact. What exactly is Paimon? Well, no one really knows. Almost nothing is actually known about her, but nobody in the game seems surprised by her existence. A few people have asked about her, but they seem to give up pretty easily; even when given silly answers like she's just emergency food. Despite her being a completely unique being, no one in the game seems to care. Since we know nothing about her, there's a chance she has some sort of ability that lets her pass by mostly unnoticed. She does get offended when others underestimate her powers, after all. On the other hand, she could be the last of a known race, like a seelie. This would explain her love of money and treasure. However, I feel like a lot more people would notice if this was the case. It could be the people of Teyvat just, don't question unusual things like that. After all, they do accept a lot of unusual things as just part of their daily lives. It's unclear what exactly Paimon might be, and it'll probably be a long time before we get any information about it. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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