Tuesday, September 6, 2022

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be a Venti appreciation post! There will be some Genshin Impact spoilers, though. So proceed with caution! For those of you who don't know, Venti is one of my favorite characters. He's bright, happy, and fun to be around. It's always fun when he shows up in story quests, and his voice lines in the tea pot are actually quite touching. He's also one of the only archons so far who have actually been involved in saving their city. But despite this, he's actually less respected than any of the other archons. Even Lesser Lord Kusanali has her devote followers. But Venti is ridiculed by almost everyone. Instead, the citizens of Mondstadt worship Lord Barbatos without knowing who he really is. Even though most Mondstadt citizens don't know he's actually Lord Barbatos, the people that do know still treat him like an equal; or less. He's also one of the oldest archons, but people are free to treat him however they like; and he accepts it all with a smile on his face. Not only this, but he has a great singing voice too. He's yet to sing in the game, but pretty much all of his voice actors can sing. A few of them have even done Venti covers of songs. Even when he's being serious, he's still really friendly. Because of this, Venti is one of my comfort characters. From his personality to his designs, there's so much to admire! But, that's just my opinion. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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