Friday, September 9, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be giving my thoughts on various Sumeru complaints within the Genshin Impact community. To keep things organized, I'll be using a list format. There may be some spoilers as well, so proceed with caution. Now then, on with the post! Enjoy!

1.) The citizens of Sumeru are "too white" - Yes it's true many of the current characters are pale, but they're all from the rainforest. The shade from the trees will cause them to be paler. As strange of a concept as it may seem, humans need the sun to tan.

2.) There's no representation - This just isn't true anymore. Most of the Eremites we've encountered are tanned. Even the NPCs are darker-skinned. This is because they're from the desert. Which, surprisingly, has more sun. On a side note, I haven't seen anyone talk about the Eremites, even though I assumed they'd be more popular.

3.) Kusanali is too small - She's a child. That's it. She's the youngest archon.

4.) Kusanali is too pale - First of all, she's not a human. So her complexion will be different. Secondly, she's actually based on a fairy from an old tale. I can't give very many details myself, but many other fans have told the story of her origin.

5.) Names aren't pronounced correctly - Yes, you're right. They're not. In fact, the names and words are butchered in every available nation. Not only are names changed to be easier for other national audiences, but none of the voice actors are native speakers of every single available language. They'll all pronounce things differently, and they're all given different directions.

Although I'm sure there have been many other complaints, these are the ones I've seen the most. It's normal for people to find issues with things, since nothing will ever please everyone. But so many of these complaints are either repetitive or just unnecessary. If you don't like a character, just wait for one you do like. Or don't play the game. Complaining about things won't change anything. Besides, we haven't seen all of Sumeru yet. Not only has another desert archon been hinted at, but half of Sumeru's map is still a mystery. It's hard to say just how all of this will pan out. Either way, these are mostly just my thoughts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, as long as they're civil about it. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this rather long blog post!

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