Tuesday, September 27, 2022

It's post time! Since the new Genshin Impact update will be releasing today, I've decided to talk about what you can expect for the anniversary update. For those of you who don't know, September 28th is Genshin Impact's anniversary. That's tomorrow for people here in America. But because of timezone differences, it's released early here. For this year's anniversary, Mihoyo will be giving away a total of 20 pulls. This will be spaced out between primogems as well as actual intertwined fates. The primogems will be distributed through four separate mails, one for each day; and they will add up to 1,600. The fates will be acquired by logging in for seven days. There will also be a free pet being given to everyone, as well as other things like hero's wits and fragile resin. Cyno's premier banner and Venti's re-run banner will also be opening, and Candace will be available as a new four star on both banners. There will also be new events as well, and the addition of the desert region will be added with this update. Along with this, there will also be new story quests. I'll only be talking about the in-game content for now. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! On a side note, please remember you're always free to comment on these posts as long as you're respectful! I'll do my best to answer them if you do, and I'd love to know if any of you have any requests! I cover a wide variety of anime content, so don't be afraid to mention it in the comments section! Thanks for reading!

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