Monday, October 31, 2022

It's Halloween! So for this year's special post, I have a few various things to help us all celebrate. I have two Halloween pictures, as well as a couple of links for the official Pokemon website. I will also be including the link for Jubyphonic's English cover of the song Happy Halloween. Enjoy! Happy Halloween everyone!

The link for Pokemon pumpkin stencils:

The link for the song Happy Halloween:

This picture is from the anime Hyouka.

This picture is from NU:Carnival's official English Twitter.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Tomorrow is Halloween! So for today's blog post, I will be telling you all a spooky ghost story. It is still anime related, since I'll be telling you the story of Hanako-San. This urban legend appears often throughout anime, and her bob cut hair, red skirt, and white shirt are highly recognizable because of it. No one really knows who Hanako-San is, or how this urban legend came to be. Some say she's just a little girl, while others say she's an inhuman creature just waiting to spirit unsuspecting people away. She's known to haunt the girl's bathrooms of Japanese schools, and she's said to appear if you knock on her door. But be careful if you knock, knock, knock on her bathroom door. You never know what lies beyond the barrier. Happy early Halloween everyone.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

It's time for a list! Today's blog post will be a list of five spooky Pokemon, along with a picture of each. Halloween is getting closer, so I decided to list some spooky Pokemon for you all. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Trevenant

2.) Banette

3.) Haunter

4.) Mismagius

5.) Cofagrigus

Friday, October 28, 2022

I'm back with more Pixar content! Yes, it's hard to believe I could make one Pixar post on this blog, let alone two. After all, you don't exactly think "anime" when you look at Toy Story. But surprise, now you can! As it turns out, there is actually official Toy Story anime content. For the Pixar short Toy Story That Time Forgot, a fake opening was made for the Battlesaurs television show. It was made to mimic the style of 80's anime as well, and it was exclusively included on the blu-ray/DVD release of this short. If you somehow look at this opening and think "that's not anime", then you'd be wrong. Because this brief opening was actually animated by Studio Trigger themselves. As always, I will be including this little clip below so you guys can see it yourselves. However, I would like to mention that this link will not take you to Pixar's official youtube account, since the clip was exclusive to DVD. Enjoy!

The Battlesaurs opening theme:

Thursday, October 27, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be a list of five newer anime that I recommend. I often talk about older anime or anime that has been running for a long time. But, I don't often talk about newer anime. So, I decided to list a few of the ones I like. On with the list! Enjoy!

1.) The Vampire Dies In No Time

2.) Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle

3.) Shadows House

4.) Kotaro Lives Alone

5.) Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about the new Pokemon Greavard. This Pokemon was just recently released, and it's a ghost dog. Obviously this also makes it a ghost-type Pokemon. This little pup is supposed to be very friendly and easy to befriend. Even a little attention will gain its loyalty, but you can't play with it too much. Even though Greavard is very loving, the candle on its head will slowly drain the life force of others if they spend too much time with it. Greavard's jaws are also strong enough to shatter bone, but it actually spends most of its time resting peacefully underground. The candle on its head will stick out of the ground while it's underground as well, and Greavard will pop out at unsuspecting people if they come to investigate it. As always, I will be including a picture of this new Pokemon below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

It's time for another new blog post! The blog post for today will be about Yaoyao from Genshin Impact. For those of you who don't know, Yaoyao is a dendro character from Liyue. Although barely anything has been said about her, fans have been waiting for her for a very long time. She was originally teased in an official artwork, but was quickly ignored by Mihoyo afterwards. Many players believed she would be released with Sumeru because she's supposed to be a dendro character. However, she never was. It wasn't until recently that her release had once again been hinted at. Although not much has been stated officially, some leaks have said she will be released in the 3.4 update. She's also said to be a short 4 star polearm character. However, it's better to wait until she's actually announced to know for sure. Hopefully Yaoyao will finally be released, especially since it's been a very long time since she was officially revealed. As always, I will be including a picture of Yaoyao below so you guys can see what she will look like. Enjoy!

Yaoyao with Qiqi.

Monday, October 24, 2022

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be a list of five puppy Pokemon, along with a picture of each. They're puppies, and they're Pokemon! Everyone loves Pokemon puppies! If you don't, you're probably allergic! Or you have another very valid reason for disliking them. Either way, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Growlithe

2.) Lillipup

3.) Yamper

4.) Rockruff

5.) Fidough

Sunday, October 23, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the lack of revealed Pokemon for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. For those of you who don't know, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet will be released on November 18th of this year. Despite this, there's still barely any Pokemon being revealed for it. Normally Pokemon are teased and released during the months leading up to the release of the newest games. This is especially true for the main series games, which often get more new Pokemon. But as of now, there aren't very many new Pokemon. The starter evolutions are still a mystery, and we've only gotten a handful of new Pokemon. I'd say hopefully more new Pokemon are revealed soon, but the new games are now just a few weeks away. Even if we don't get any new Pokemon, they'll all be revealed soon anyways. I just find it odd how few were revealed this time. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about the gacha system in Genshin Impact. Although I've made posts defending the fact that there's a pity system at all before, that doesn't mean it's a good system. First of all, the amount of farming you have to do for one ten pull is ridiculous. If you don't save up for months, then you're going to have to miss out or pay up. If there's more than one character you want, then that's just too bad. Looks like you'll have to pick one and hope there's a rerun soon. Or you can go broke and get both characters instead. Genesis crystals are also very expensive, and it's $30 for just over 10 pulls. Since it's 180 pulls to guarantee a character, and you'll almost always lose the 50/50 at 90 pulls, you'll be paying a lot for one character alone. So your only options are pay a ton of money, skip a lot of characters and save up for one, or hope you can make it through the game with the default characters they give you. Sure some events will give you characters, but they're only four star characters. Not to mention some characters are only good with more constellations, which can only be obtained by getting duplicates of the same character. With all of these ridiculous hurdles, it makes getting characters absolutely agonizing. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know complaining won't change anything, but I'm getting sick of constantly saving up and getting characters I don't even want and will never use. I also know I'm not the only player who has issues with this system. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, October 21, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be about Kotaro Lives Alone. Kotaro Lives Alone is an anime that is based on the manga of the same name. Kotaro Lives Alone follows the daily life of Kotaro Sato, a little four year old boy. As the name may suggest, he lives all by himself. After moving into his new apartment, the other residents of the complex decide to take care of him. However, Kotaro prefers to think he's old enough to take care of himself. This show is a slice-of-life with some comedy mixed in as well. It's a pretty laid back show, too. A question you may have is, why is he living alone? Well, that's something I won't be telling you. Instead, I'll say Kotaro Lives Alone is currently available English subbed and dubbed on Netflix. I recommend this show if you like normal slice-of-life shows with a bit of a sad feel at times; which most slice-of-life anime has anyways. As always, I will be including a picture from Kotaro Lives Alone below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be a list of three cute jellyfish Pokemon, along with a picture of each. These Pokemon, are jellyfish. And they're cute. That's all. I also just happen to like jellyfish and Pokemon. There actually aren't very many jellyfish Pokemon, which is why this list is a bit short. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoy this list! So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Nihilego

2.) Tentacool

3.) Frillish

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the small girl characters in Genshin Impact. The one question that seems to pop up often with these characters is always their ages. Most people have assumed they're all children, because apparently it's impossible for them to just be short. Everyone knows being short isn't a real thing. Anyways, I decided to make this post to clear some things up. To make this post easier to piece together, I'll be talking about them in a list format. This way the rest of the post won't be too jumbled. There will also be some spoilers, as well. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

*Qiqi - Despite being hundreds of years old, Qiqi is a child. She never grew up mentally, and has spent most of her life sealed away.

*Diona - Diona looks and acts more childish, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's young. I'd say she's an early teen at the oldest, and only works at a bar because of her amazing talents.

*Klee - Some people have argued that Klee being around 40-ish in human years means she's an adult. Those people, are wrong. Klee's race ages much more slowly, and she's very clearly a child.

*Nahida - It doesn't matter what she may have been before, she is currently a child; and will likely remain to be one for a while.

*Sayu - Sayu is a late teen or young adult. There is no questioning this. She only hopes one day she'll grow taller, when really she stopped growing a long time ago. She's not a child.

*Dori - Dori is an adult. It's hard to say if she's a young adult or not, but she isn't a child. That's pretty much it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Is Aether or Lumine the canon traveler in Genshin Impact? The answer is: neither! Many fans have debated this topic ever since the game came out. Most people swear it's Aether because of the in-game content accidentally switching Lumine with Aether, and because he seems to be favored when it comes to events and artwork. However, this just isn't true. Just because a character is favored by the company, it doesn't mean they're the canon choice. Along with this, the game messing up the main character's gender happens with both twins. As an Aether main, I've noticed many dialogues in both events and normal quests that refer to him as she or her and ask if I've found my brother yet. This doesn't mean Lumine is suddenly the canon choice. It means Hoyoverse is constantly adding new content and fixing every little bug will take a very long time. If Aether was the only canon choice, Hoyoverse wouldn't include Lumine in artwork at all. But they do, because both travelers are canon. There is no correct choice, because they're both correct. I'd like to say those are just my thoughts on this topic like I normally do, but it's just the truth. Even if Aether was originally the only choice, that isn't the case at all anymore. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, October 17, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing three horse Pokemon; along with a picture of each. That's it. They're just Pokemon, who are horses. Nothing else. Still, I hope you all enjoy this short post! So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Galarian Ponyta

2.) Mudsdale

3.) Spectrier

Sunday, October 16, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing three dark anime series. These anime are dark in tone and setting. They're good for if you want a slightly more macabre series. There's not really a reason for this list, other than it's getting closer to Halloween. But, I do recommend these. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Black Butler

2.) Death Parade

3.) Death Note

Saturday, October 15, 2022

What time is it? Post time! Since it's getting closer to Halloween, I've decided to talk about a Halloween-themed Pokemon quiz that is currently on the Pokemon website. The quiz is pretty short, and it only has 13 questions. Most of the questions are themed around dark or ghost type Pokemon to match the Halloween setting, as well. The questions are relatively simple, although I'm sure only pretty serious Pokemon fans who play the games and watch the anime can get all of them right. As always, I'll be including the link for this official Pokemon quiz below. Enjoy!

Friday, October 14, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Iono's partner Pokemon. For those of you who don't know, the new electric-type gym leader of the Paldea region was recently revealed. Her name is Iono, and in her debut video she teased a new electric-type Pokemon; who will be her partner Pokemon. That new Pokemon was revealed today. It is, drumroll please, Bellibolt! Bellibolt is the EleFrog Pokemon, and it's obviously an electric frog. I won't say very much about it right now, but I will be including the link for its new debut video below. Enjoy!

The official debut video:

Thursday, October 13, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the recently released Pokemon video. This new youtube video has revealed an upcoming gym leader for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. She's the new electric-type leader, and her name is Iono. She's also an influencer and a streamer for the Paldea region. The new video shows her giving hints as to what her partner Pokemon will be, and next time she'll be showing off her partner Pokemon; which will obviously be an electric-type. There isn't much else to say about it at the moment. Even though the games aren't very far away now, we actually haven't seen very many new Pokemon. The characters are still lacking some information, as well. Hopefully the games won't disappoint when they finally release. In the meantime, I'll be including the link for the video below. Enjoy!

The link for the official video:

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

What time is it? Post time! I am very tired today, so I have decided to list reasons for why the Pokemon Eevee would make a good cuddling companion. I love Eevee, and it's one of my favorite Pokemon. So hopefully, this list helps you all appreciate it too. Enjoy!

1.) It's small, and easy to hug.

2.) Eevee is very fluffy.

3.) Its fluff makes it warm and extremely soft.

4.) Eevee can curl up in a ball, which is good for hugging. But it's also good for laying your head on. As a bonus, a balled up Eevee can lay on you to calm you down.

5.) Eevee are usually loyal and they love their trainers; so they won't leave while you're asleep.

To further my point about Eevee being a good cuddling partner, here is a picture of Eevee. Also, this is clearly meant as in cuddling with a pet. Don't take this wholesome list in any weird way. Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Why doesn't the traveler ever get a new outfit in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, the traveler has never gotten a new outfit. It doesn't matter if you choose Lumine or Aether, and it doesn't matter where you go in Teyvat. Even when the traveler is offered different clothes, they always refuse. It could be because the traveler is just attached to the clothes they already have. However, I know I would get pretty tired of always wearing the same clothes if it were me. Not only this, but if new clothes were added, it would help the traveler blend in better. It would also give the players more ways to be unique. Even if we only got one new outfit per region, that's only an additional two skins per year for Hoyoverse, and only one additional skin per player. They may have to add outfits for the current regions to catch up with what we already have, but other than that it wouldn't be very difficult. Along with this, it's what the players want. The players desperately want new skins for the travelers. It would help the game be more immersive, and it would make the actual main character relevant. Even though I'm an Aether main, I know very well how disliked the travelers often are. If they had more unique outfits, players would love them. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I've seen so many players asking for this feature. As of right now, I really don't think Hoyoverse will be adding any outfits for the travelers. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, October 10, 2022

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon girafarig's new evolution. For those of you who don't know, it was recently announced that girafarig who live in the new upcoming Paldea region will evolve into farigiraf. Although not every Pokemon will be a winner, I am very disappointed in this new evolution. It just looks so, ridiculous. It's hard to describe why I dislike this new Pokemon so much, but its design just isn't very good. Not only does it look silly to have the giraffe head inside of the other head, but it just looks kind of ugly. Not only this, but the new move that allows farigiraf to swing its head around to deal damage makes it sound like some kind of ridiculous giraffe attack helicopter. It also raises questions. Can the former tail head eat? Does it have no need to? Can it accidentally swallow the giraffe head? I hope it can't accidentally swallow the giraffe head. I may be looking into this too much, but I have never been so disappointed by a new Pokemon design. These are just my opinions, anyways. You're all obviously free to like or dislike this Pokemon if you want. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of the new Pokemon below. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

This is my 2,222nd blog post! So, today's blog post will be a list of 22 anime characters I like. To make it even harder on myself, I will only be including one from each series. They also won't really be in any particular order, since I have trouble organizing them in terms of favorites. This is only anime as well, no games allowed. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) L from Death Note

2.) Natsu from Fairy Tail

3.) Deidara from Naruto Shippuden

4.) Lucifer from The Devil Is A Part-Timer

5.) Momiji from Fruits Basket

6.) Honey Senpai from Ouran Highschool Host Club

7.) Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh

8.) Kuro from Servamp

9.) Demon Cleric Leonard from Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle

10.) Mitsuba from Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun

11.) Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation

12.) Chocola from Nekopara

13.) Hamtaro from Hamtaro

14.) Kanato from Diabolik Lovers

15.) James from Pokemon

16.) Nishina from Kiss Him, Not Me

17.) Jibanyan from Yokai Watch

18.) Fafnir from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

19.) Speed-o-Sound Sonic from One Punch Man

20.) Koro Sensei from Assissination Classroom

21.) Soul from Soul Eater

22.) Todoroki from My Hero Academia

Saturday, October 8, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I'd like to talk about the horrifying lack of cat boys. I was going to list some cat boys for today's blog post, but I quickly realized I couldn't remember any. So to refresh my memory, I decided to look at some lists other people made. I was very disappointed! They were listing boys who were sometimes cats instead of actual cat boys. Cat boys, much like cat girls, are humans with some cat features. These are always cat ears, and sometimes also tails and whiskers. Cat boys are not boys who are sometimes cats, just like cat girls aren't normal girls who are sometimes cats. There may not be as many cat boys as cat girls, but that's no excuse. There are still cat boys out there, somewhere. That's not counting boys who are sometimes cats (unless they keep the ears and maybe the tail in human form) or the boys who style their hair like cat ears. Styling your hair differently doesn't change the fact that you're still just a normal human. I know this is an odd topic to complain about, but I find it kind of ridiculous how there are so many cat girls but not as many cat boys. I want gender equality; and not just because cat boys are infinitely cuter! Anyways, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, October 7, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing three pictures of some of the jellyfish from Ponyo. Studio Ghibli has some of the prettiest artwork that can be found in anime, and this is especially true for the various creatures. Since jellyfish don't appear very often in anime and the jellyfish in Ponyo are very pretty, I decided to use these ones. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

On a side note, this is the blog post I tried to do yesterday. However, my picture function was not working then. But, I hope you all still enjoyed this post!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

It's time for another post! I was going to list some jellyfish for you all today, but I ran into some technical difficulties. So instead, I'll be listing some good otaku-based anime. I will upload the jellyfish post on a day when my picture function is back. But in the meantime, have a list! Enjoy!

1.) Himouto Umaru-Chan

2.) Kiss Him, Not Me

3.) Ultimate Otaku Teacher

4.) Lucky Star

5.) Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Which Pokemon can be eaten? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! As morbid as this question seems, it's actually been not only hinted at, but outright stated that some Pokemon are eaten. So, which Pokemon are eaten? Well, that's actually a pretty tricky question. Only a few pokedex entries state which Pokemon are eaten, and Pokemon who are caught by trainers are more often treated like pets than anything else. As far as eating Pokemon goes, it seems to be more animal-like Pokemon. But sometimes, it's just Pokemon they think taste good. Sometimes it's even only parts of Pokemon that are eaten. This can be seen with Appletun, since the extra skin on its back is considered a deliciously sweet treat. This is a rather weird subject to discuss, but it's difficult not to think about it once the idea is there. Had it not been stated, I don't think anyone would've really wondered where the meat the people of Pokemon eat comes from. But, I digress. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Why do the scorpions in Genshin Impact drop raw meat when you kill them? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! This may seem like a weird subject, but I'm genuinely confused about this. It makes sense for the other animals to drop meat, since obviously they would. But the scorpions are basically bugs. Even if they would technically have meat, it's hard to say if it'd even be edible; especially considering scorpions generally contain poison. I would like to mention that I believe the addition of so many new creatures who drop so much raw meat is to make up for how difficult and tedious it was to get before. However, I find it a bit unnecessary to even give the bugs that option. Not only this, but it's the only thing the scorpions drop. It feels like a bit too much. I won't complain about it too much though, since scorpions are one of the most common enemies in the desert region and raw meat is always useful. I just found it odd. Either way, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, October 3, 2022

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about Mochicats Collection. Mochicats Collection is a cute little free app. It centers around Mochicats, which are cute little cat creatures who love desserts. They'll eat as much as you can feed them, and then some. You collect more cats by completing dessert tower challenges, and they're actually very easy to collect. This is mostly just a clicker game, but it can also be pretty addicting. All of the different cats are very cute, and it's easy to progress in the game. There isn't much of any story, either. It's just a cute little laid-back idle/clicker game. It's pretty adorable, and the music is very cheerful. I've played this game, and I highly recommend it. It's a good distraction. Plus it's free, so the price isn't a problem. As always, I will be including a picture from Mochicats Collection below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about the new Pokemon Go team leader designs. Before I get started, I just want to say, nobody likes these designs. They're bad. Not only were they very glitched when they were first released, but they kind of feel like a downgrade from their original designs. Everyone is complaining about Blanche's nerdy design, but really they're all bad. I was curious when I learned about their updated designs, but I was very disappointed. Spark has always been my favorite, but even he doesn't look great. I'm not sure what it is about these new designs that everyone dislikes, but I think it might be the lack of individuality. The other outfits felt more unique. Not only this, but the new models look a bit worse too. I'm not sure why they didn't just put new outfits on the original models. Hopefully this really is just for fashion week like it's been implied. Either way, I don't think this much backlash was expected when the design change was announced. As always, I will be including a picture of their new designs below so you guys can see them yourselves. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I'd like to talk about one of my favorite Vocaloid songs. That song, is Love-Hate (Suki-Kirai). Love-Hate is a Rin and Len Kagamine song made by HoneyWorks. Although I've mentioned multiple times that Rin and Len are twins, I absolutely love their dynamic in this song. The lyrics are cute, the videos made for the Project Diva games are adorable, their outfits are a great addition, and their voices really suit the song. Not only do Rin and Len obviously compliment each other, but this song is actually one of the first duets I heard them sing together. It's a really cute and fluffy song, and I recommend it if you're in a good mood. The song itself is about Len confessing to Rin that he loves her, and then she struggles to decide whether she even likes him or not. Ultimately she chooses to give him a chance, and it's just all very wholesome. As always, I will be including the link for the song below so you guys can check it out for yourselves. Enjoy!