Saturday, October 8, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I'd like to talk about the horrifying lack of cat boys. I was going to list some cat boys for today's blog post, but I quickly realized I couldn't remember any. So to refresh my memory, I decided to look at some lists other people made. I was very disappointed! They were listing boys who were sometimes cats instead of actual cat boys. Cat boys, much like cat girls, are humans with some cat features. These are always cat ears, and sometimes also tails and whiskers. Cat boys are not boys who are sometimes cats, just like cat girls aren't normal girls who are sometimes cats. There may not be as many cat boys as cat girls, but that's no excuse. There are still cat boys out there, somewhere. That's not counting boys who are sometimes cats (unless they keep the ears and maybe the tail in human form) or the boys who style their hair like cat ears. Styling your hair differently doesn't change the fact that you're still just a normal human. I know this is an odd topic to complain about, but I find it kind of ridiculous how there are so many cat girls but not as many cat boys. I want gender equality; and not just because cat boys are infinitely cuter! Anyways, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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