Monday, October 10, 2022

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon girafarig's new evolution. For those of you who don't know, it was recently announced that girafarig who live in the new upcoming Paldea region will evolve into farigiraf. Although not every Pokemon will be a winner, I am very disappointed in this new evolution. It just looks so, ridiculous. It's hard to describe why I dislike this new Pokemon so much, but its design just isn't very good. Not only does it look silly to have the giraffe head inside of the other head, but it just looks kind of ugly. Not only this, but the new move that allows farigiraf to swing its head around to deal damage makes it sound like some kind of ridiculous giraffe attack helicopter. It also raises questions. Can the former tail head eat? Does it have no need to? Can it accidentally swallow the giraffe head? I hope it can't accidentally swallow the giraffe head. I may be looking into this too much, but I have never been so disappointed by a new Pokemon design. These are just my opinions, anyways. You're all obviously free to like or dislike this Pokemon if you want. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of the new Pokemon below. Enjoy!

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