Saturday, October 22, 2022

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about the gacha system in Genshin Impact. Although I've made posts defending the fact that there's a pity system at all before, that doesn't mean it's a good system. First of all, the amount of farming you have to do for one ten pull is ridiculous. If you don't save up for months, then you're going to have to miss out or pay up. If there's more than one character you want, then that's just too bad. Looks like you'll have to pick one and hope there's a rerun soon. Or you can go broke and get both characters instead. Genesis crystals are also very expensive, and it's $30 for just over 10 pulls. Since it's 180 pulls to guarantee a character, and you'll almost always lose the 50/50 at 90 pulls, you'll be paying a lot for one character alone. So your only options are pay a ton of money, skip a lot of characters and save up for one, or hope you can make it through the game with the default characters they give you. Sure some events will give you characters, but they're only four star characters. Not to mention some characters are only good with more constellations, which can only be obtained by getting duplicates of the same character. With all of these ridiculous hurdles, it makes getting characters absolutely agonizing. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know complaining won't change anything, but I'm getting sick of constantly saving up and getting characters I don't even want and will never use. I also know I'm not the only player who has issues with this system. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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