Wednesday, October 19, 2022

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the small girl characters in Genshin Impact. The one question that seems to pop up often with these characters is always their ages. Most people have assumed they're all children, because apparently it's impossible for them to just be short. Everyone knows being short isn't a real thing. Anyways, I decided to make this post to clear some things up. To make this post easier to piece together, I'll be talking about them in a list format. This way the rest of the post won't be too jumbled. There will also be some spoilers, as well. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

*Qiqi - Despite being hundreds of years old, Qiqi is a child. She never grew up mentally, and has spent most of her life sealed away.

*Diona - Diona looks and acts more childish, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's young. I'd say she's an early teen at the oldest, and only works at a bar because of her amazing talents.

*Klee - Some people have argued that Klee being around 40-ish in human years means she's an adult. Those people, are wrong. Klee's race ages much more slowly, and she's very clearly a child.

*Nahida - It doesn't matter what she may have been before, she is currently a child; and will likely remain to be one for a while.

*Sayu - Sayu is a late teen or young adult. There is no questioning this. She only hopes one day she'll grow taller, when really she stopped growing a long time ago. She's not a child.

*Dori - Dori is an adult. It's hard to say if she's a young adult or not, but she isn't a child. That's pretty much it.

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