Sunday, October 23, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the lack of revealed Pokemon for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. For those of you who don't know, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet will be released on November 18th of this year. Despite this, there's still barely any Pokemon being revealed for it. Normally Pokemon are teased and released during the months leading up to the release of the newest games. This is especially true for the main series games, which often get more new Pokemon. But as of now, there aren't very many new Pokemon. The starter evolutions are still a mystery, and we've only gotten a handful of new Pokemon. I'd say hopefully more new Pokemon are revealed soon, but the new games are now just a few weeks away. Even if we don't get any new Pokemon, they'll all be revealed soon anyways. I just find it odd how few were revealed this time. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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