Saturday, September 30, 2023

Another day, another post! Today's blog post will be about a new Hato Moa game. Although Hatoful Boyfriend: Mirror still isn't out yet, Hato Moa has released a little game about a button. It's called "Just Press A Button", and it's a very simple puzzle game about pressing a button. The little button you have to press will run away from you when you try to press it. To finish the level, you have to get the button to run into the correct spot and then press it. There are twelve levels in total, and it's actually pretty fun. It's a cute little pixel game that's actually pretty well-made. It's free to play as well, so I recommend checking it out if you have time. It is a little uncooperative on mobile, so playing it on desktop is recommended. As always, I'll be including the link for the official Twitter announcement post below. Enjoy!

The link for the announcement post:

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