Sunday, September 24, 2023

Are there too many girls in anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! This may seem like a silly question. There are a lot of anime girls, but there's a lot of anime boys too. Right? Wrong! Kind of. There are a lot of anime boys out there. Obviously. There are even a lot of anime that contain more boys than girls. This is most commonly seen in action-based anime like Naruto. However, there is a problem with anime girls. There are too many of them. Most games, anime, and other anime-related content leans into using cute anime girls as fan service. Because of this, there are a lot of girls. More girls often means more viewers, and more viewers means more money. But, this mindset can also drive people away. There are quite a few anime fans who don't care about girls or fan service. So if something has too much of it, eventually fans will just leave. Not only this, but it can be frustrating for people who prefer boy characters. Of course this can be avoided by avoiding certain games, anime, and manga altogether; but it's still noticeable in most series. To prove my point a little, I'd like to briefly mention Tsukuyomi-No-Mikoto. Tsukuyomi-No-Mikoto, or just Tsukuyomi, is a Japanese deity. He has mostly faded into obscurity nowadays, but he's actually one of the only male moon gods. Why am I mentioning this? Well, if you research him, you'll find that he doesn't often appear in anime or manga. But when he does, he's usually portrayed as a female. This is because it's more common to have female moon goddesses, but also because girls are just more popular. In this case, favoring one gender over the other isn't just a bit bothersome; it's outright erasing an already obscure god. I won't get religious here, but it is important to at least accurately portray characters who are based on gods or real people. Regardless, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I actually wanted to talk about this because of Tsukuyomi-No-Mikoto because I thought it wasn't right to portray a god incorrectly for the sake of "cute anime girl". Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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