Saturday, September 2, 2023

It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I'd like to list some of the changes I'd like to see in Genshin Impact. I love Genshin Impact, and it's easily one of my favorite games. But that doesn't mean it couldn't use some improvement. Everyone always asks for more primogems, but I'd like to see something else. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Quests shouldn't be blocked by other quests. It makes sense for certain things. But event quests too? That's just mean.

2.) Characters should be easier to obtain. I know five stars are meant to be difficult to get, but they shouldn't be that difficult. After a while it just becomes boring.

3.) Weapons shouldn't make up most of the obtainable banner items. When I wish for a character, I want a character.

4.) Artifacts should be more random. Instead of getting the same ones every single time, I'd rather see some variety.

5.) And finally, drop rates for weekly bosses should be a bit more fair. There's nothing like trying over and over and still not getting what you needed.

But, those are just my opinions. I'm sure there are other things fans would like to see; I just think these little changes would make the game a bit more enjoyable. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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