Thursday, November 30, 2023

Why is L so strong in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There will be some minor spoilers for Death Note though, so proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! Every Death Note fan knows about L, the unassuming and messy-haired detective with a very large amount of fangirls; for some reason. But throughout the series, he's shown to actually be quite strong, fit, and sometimes even active. But how can this be when he spends most of his time sitting? Well, it's actually most likely because he spends most of his time sitting. L doesn't sit normally. Instead, he crouches wherever he wants to sit. He sits like this at least 85% of the time, and everyone who has tried to mimic L knows how much of a workout sitting like this can be. But he isn't bothered by it at all, and he even finds it comfortable. Sitting in this way probably keeps him in pretty good shape because he's nearly constantly burning calories; which could be why he eats so much as well. I know the creators of Death Note just wanted him to seem a bit odd, but I think this could actually be a pretty good explanation for why he stays so fit despite eating so many sweets. Regardless, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know L mentioned that he doesn't gain weight as long as he uses his brain. But given how much he eats, that kind of seems like a silly explanation. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Who is Jack Howl based on in Twisted Wonderland? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, Jack Howl is a wolf. Although that makes sense for why he's in the Savanaclaw dorm, it doesn't make sense when you think about what the Savanaclaw dorm is based on. Savanaclaw is based on the movie The Lion King, and there were no wolves in that movie. There were hyenas, but not wolves. So, why is Jack in Savanaclaw? And what is he based on, if not a character from The Lion King? Well, I have a theory! Which Disney movie has wolves in it? That's right, Beauty And The Beast. There isn't a dorm based on Beauty And The Beast, so it makes sense that he wouldn't fit in with a different dorm. As for why he's in Savanaclaw, it's actually been mentioned in the game that most beastmen end up in Savanaclaw; so he was put there because he would fit in with the other beastmen. Jack's origin is a somewhat common question within the fandom, and there have been a few theories about it now. I think this one most likely makes the most sense. Since there isn't a dorm for Beauty And The Beast, any characters based on that movie will have to be placed in different areas instead. I would also like to mention that leaving LeFou out was a bit of a missed opportunity, but maybe that's just me. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

It's my birthday! Yay! I don't normally mention my birthday on here, but I've decided to this year. I'd like to thank Idia Shroud from Twisted Wonderland for remembering my birthday, and giving me a free tenfold key set as a present. I'd also like to thank Genshin Impact for the cake, and Dream Girlfriend for the happy birthday wishes and the free gacha ticket and rainbow drink. I know they're all games, but it makes me very happy to see such kind words on my birthday; even if it's just programmed that way. Also, for those readers who have been following my blog for a while, you'll notice this means I have a birthday twin! That's right! The Sanrio Boy Yuzu Wakano is my birthday twin. He also just happens to love one of my favorite Sanrio characters, Kirimichan! So, happy birthday Yuzu Wakano! And thank you all for your ongoing support! I love each and every one of you! As a friend. Please don't form a strange parasocial relationship with me. As a bonus, here's a picture of the birthday boy himself! My birthday twin, Yuzu Wakano! Enjoy!

Monday, November 27, 2023

It's time for another post! But first, let me ask you all a question. What does Genshin Impact have in common with the song Bohemian Rhapsody (made by the amazing band Queen)? The answer is one word: Scaramouche. This post will have some pretty heavy spoilers for Scaramouche's story, so proceed with caution! As many fans have noticed by now, Scaramouche has a lot of references to the song Bohemian Rhapsody. His name is the most noticeable one, but there are so many more. For example, one of his English voice lines mentions he's no fan of dango, which is a reference to Fandango. His mother is also Ei, who is known as Beelzebub (or Beelzebul, depending on who you ask). Scaramouche also wishes he had never been born at all, and he feels like nobody loves him. These are all things that can be found in the song. Along with this, he used the electro gnosis in his boss fight; giving him access to "thunderbolts and lightning". When he gained a vision, it was an anemo vision. Which would be a reference to "any way the wind blows". There are so many more references than this, so I'll be including the link for Bohemian Rhapsody below so you all can see for yourselves. I know other fans have noticed the similarities, but I don't think anyone has realized just how far this goes. Personally I think this makes his character even better, since Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my favorite songs. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five cryo characters I like from Genshin Impact; along with a picture of each. I don't often list cryo characters on this blog, so I've decided to list a few today. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Freminet

2.) Charlotte

3.) Mika

4.) Chongyun

5.) Ganyu

Saturday, November 25, 2023

It's time for another list! For today's blog post, I will be listing five blobby Kirby characters; along with a picture of each. There are a lot of cute characters in Kirby, so I wanted to list some of them for you all today. There's no better way to describe these guys than cute little blobs! They're adorable little menaces. So, let's get on with the list already! Enjoy!

1.) Kirby

2.) Scarfy

3.) Waddle Dee

4.) Marx

5.) Gooey

Friday, November 24, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be giving my thoughts on the movie The Tale Of Princess Kaguya. There will be some major spoilers for the ending of the movie though, so proceed with caution if you've never seen the movie before. I think this movie is better if it's experienced without being spoiled first, so I would recommend watching it before reading this post if you haven't already. Now then, let's get on with it! The Tale Of Princess Kaguya is a Studio Ghibli movie from the year 2013. This movie is an adaptation of the traditional Japanese folktale The Tale Of The Bamboo Cutter. The movie itself is very beautifully drawn. It isn't visually similar to other Studio Ghibli movies, but it's still very pretty. I really like the way it resembles traditional Japanese artwork. The story itself is pretty good. It's something of a tragedy, and it's actually a bit depressing to watch. However, it's a wonderful adaptation of the original story. It can be a little hard to follow, but it's easy to figure out what's happening as the movie progresses. Despite this, the story leaves a bit of a bad aftertaste. It's a beautifully animated movie, and it really is a good adaptation. But, it's just sad. By the end of the movie, the whole thing feels a bit empty. I may be one of the only ones who feels this way, but watching the main character who you've grown attached to slowly become more and more miserable and ultimately lose everything she ever loved and cared about is just awful. I do like parts of this movie, but it isn't one I'd watch over and over again. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. To end on a somewhat positive note, I do love the animation; and the voice actors did an amazing job. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

It's Thanksgiving Day! Normally for Thanksgiving, I would list some Thanksgiving-themed anime pictures for you all. Thanksgiving is an American holiday, so there isn't very much anime content for it. However, Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks. So to thank you all for your support, I made a picture instead this year. I hope you all enjoy it! I know one picture isn't as exciting, but it was a bit more work than usual. So, it's time for the big reveal! Drumroll please!

Ta da! I hope you all have a wonderful day! And for any Twisted Wonderland fans out there, remember to log in so you can check out the special Thanksgiving Day bundles. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the movie Pom Poko. Pom Poko is a Studio Ghibli movie, and it came out in 1994. However, I won't be talking about the movie in general. Instead, I'll be giving my thoughts on it. Pom Poko is one of the lesser known Studio Ghibli movies. But, that doesn't mean it's bad. I mostly find the movie a bit hard to follow, and it can be a bit boring at times. It can take a while with wasting time on things that don't matter very much in the long run, which isn't a great thing for a standalone movie. It can also get pretty weird, and sometimes it's hard to understand exactly what's going on at all. There's also something about the English dub that bothers me, even though that isn't really the movie's fault. For a little context, Pom Poko is about Tanuki; which are raccoon dogs. But the dub translates them as just raccoons, and it spends the whole movie doing this. Normally I prefer the English dub, and it really does have some amazing voice actors. But it does bother me. I knew what the movie was about, but most people probably wouldn't know they're supposed to be raccoon dogs and not raccoons. It also would've been easier to translate it correctly as either just Tanuki or raccoon dogs. But, I digress. Those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I do kind of like this movie, and I recommend it if you like other Studio Ghibli films. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be a list of some of the most common Yokai that appear in anime; along with a very brief description of each. Yokai are still a pretty big part of Japanese culture, so it makes sense that they make appearances in anime. But first, for those of you who don't know, Yokai are Japanese spirits. There are many different Yokai, and I recommend looking into them if you're interested in Japanese culture. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Kitsune - The transforming fox spirit; often called the nine-tailed fox.

2.) Tanuki - Raccoon dogs! They can also transform; among other things.

3.) Oni - A type of Japanese demon.

4.) Tengu - A mischievous spirit, but not necessarily bad.

5.) Chōchin-Obake - A living Japanese lantern that is often shown with one big eye and a sticking out tongue.

That's all I have for now! I might do another one of these in the future, since there are a lot of Yokai in anime. But for now, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, November 20, 2023

It's time for a list! Today's blog post will be a list of six tall Genshin Impact boys I like, along with a picture of each. I usually list short boys on this blog, and I think that's unfair to the tall guys. So, I decided to make up for it today. There's also a few that I absolutely adore, but don't include on lists very often. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Childe

2.) Arataki Itto

3.) Kaeya

4.) Baizhu

5.) Diluc

6.) Zhongli

Sunday, November 19, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the most wanted characters who weren't included in Twisted Wonderland. Twisted Wonderland already has a pretty decently sized cast of characters. But, there are three characters that fans really want to see. These are the characters that I see mentioned most of all when the fans talk about missed opportunities. Who are these characters? None other than Pain, Panic, and Iago. For those of you who don't know, Pain and Panic are from Hercules. This means characters based on them would've been in Ignihyde. Iago is from Aladdin, which means a character based on him would have been in Scarabia. I personally agree when fans say this was a huge missed opportunity. First of all, these characters are really popular. Iago especially is a much loved character. Secondly, Ignihyde and Scarabia are such small dorms! Both of them only have two characters each, and both of the characters in Ignihyde are based on Hades. That is a tragedy. Adding characters based on Pain, Panic, and Iago would've been so fun to see! Scarabia and Ignihyde both could use some more characters, and not having these characters is just silly. They're fan favorites! Maybe we'll see something based on them in the future, but as of right now they're just wasted potential. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

It's list time! For today's blog post, I will be listing three unusual dating sims. There are a few odd dating sims out there. So, I decided to list a few of them today. Enjoy!

1.) Hatoful Boyfriend - Have you ever wanted to date pigeons? Of course you have! With this amazing dating sim, you can now live your lifelong dream! Come for the birds, stay for the story. (I don't condone the dating of real birds. Don't do that.)

2.) Blush Blush - Did you accidentally turn a bunch of guys into animals? And then did you have to make them fall in love with you to change them back? Well, now you can relive that experience! Now with more cute boys than ever!

3.) Burn Your Fat With Me (For Girls) - Mixing exercise with a dating sim would be a great idea! If those boys didn't spend the whole time telling you how fat you are. At least the exercise part is pretty useful.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Will there ever be another Eevee evolution in Pokemon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Eevee is known for the many Pokemon it can evolve into. But for a long time now, there have been no new evolutions. There were times when fans thought a new evolution was being teased, only for it to be something else entirely. There's been Eeveelution leaks for nearly every new generation, as well. But when the game is released, there's no sign of a new Eeveelution. This has been very disappointing for fans, because many fans have been waiting years for another Eeveelution. There's a lot of potential in this line, and there are many Pokemon types that would make for interesting Eevee evolutions. It's hard to say if there ever will be another Eevee evolution; especially since I've talked about this topic for years and there's been no evidence that points to a possible evolution. I think not making any more Eevee evolutions would be a waste of potential, and it would disappoint fans greatly. There are a lot of fans who still want new Eeveelutions. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about my favorite cringey anime. Normally when someone says an anime is cringey, you don't want anything to do with it. But, I genuinely love this one. And that anime, is Diabolik Lovers. This anime is based on the otome games of the same name, and it's been pretty much forgotten by the anime community. It does have some fans, but not many. Truthfully, it can be a bit difficult to watch at times. But I still love it. It's so much fun to make jokes and have a good time while watching it. Sometimes it can get incredibly ridiculous, and I can't help but laugh. I know it isn't meant to be funny, but I like it because I find it funny. Diabolik Lovers also has a very pretty and gothic animation style that I adore. The voice actors also did a wonderful job. I've watched the English sub and the English dub, and both of them were very good. It's very hard to find the English dub though. If you think it would be easier to just buy the DVD of it; it isn't. The Blu-ray version is still currently available, but it's nearly impossible to find a normal DVD of it. Aside from making fun of the show, I really do like it. My favorite character is Kanato, even though he's practically insane. I recommend this show if you like cringey vampire romance things. I don't recommend it if you get uncomfortable easily. As a little bonus, here's a picture of Kanato. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about visions in Genshin Impact. Visions are common to see throughout the world of Teyvat. They're given to people who have strong ambitions, and a vision usually reflects the vision bearer in some way. Visions grant their users the ability to control the element it's associated with. Pyro visions control fire, electro visions control electricity, geo visions control stone, hydro visions control water, cryo visions control ice, anemo visions control wind, and dendro visions control plants. Each vision is also shaped based on where they're from. Each nation has a different vision shape, so visions from that region will usually be shaped the same way; or at least in a similar way. The shape of a vision isn't based on where the vision bearer is from; it's instead based on where they receive that vision. Visions are considered very powerful as well, and vision bearers are much stronger than other people. A vision is also like an extension of the person who uses it. It carries their hopes and ambitions, and it will stop working if its user dies. As always, I will be including a picture of a Mondstadt anemo vision below so you all can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five dragon-type Pokemon; along with a picture of each. Although I don't often list dragon-type Pokemon on this blog in general, this list actually has a twist. I'm only listing dragon-type Pokemon that are nothing like dragons. I thought it would be a fun idea. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Vibrava

2.) Kingdra

3.) Sliggoo

4.) Noibat

5.) Tatsugiri

Monday, November 13, 2023

Is Scaramouche a bad person? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There will be some spoilers for Genshin Impact though, so proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! Pretty much every Genshin Impact fan knows who Scaramouche is. He's seen as a sarcastic and rude character, and he has quite a big fan base. But within the world of Teyvat, he isn't very popular. In fact, he's pretty much hated by everyone he comes into contact with. Even the traveler doesn't like being around him, and Nahida said he was evil. But, is he really? Does he truly deserve all of the hate he receives? On a surface level, it seems like the answer is yes. He's done many bad things during his long life, and he treats everyone coldly regardless of who it is. But, I personally don't think he's really a bad person. Firstly, he has been willing to help people in the past; even if it doesn't benefit him. He also had a very painful life, which caused him to lash out at those around him. He had no one to help him, and no one even tried to understand him at all. He didn't want to be understood. He pushed people away to prevent them from hurting him again. He was used, tortured, and abandoned. This doesn't excuse his actions, but it does make them a bit more understandable. It's very difficult to see characters still treating him harshly even after learning this, because it just proves he was right. People don't like having him around unless he's useful. That's absolutely awful. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Maybe I'm a bit biased because Scaramouche has become a very important character to me. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Scaramouche. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

It's post time! As a dedicated Pokemon fan, have you ever wondered what Dunsparce would look like if it was longer? How about a slightly longer Dunsparce, but even longer? Well, the wait is over! It has been for a while now, but I wanted to talk about this Pokemon in a little more detail. For those of you who don't know, I'm talking about Dudunsparce. Dudunsparce is the evolution of the Pokemon Dunsparce. After waiting years for a Dunsparce evolution, fans were somewhat disappointed to find that Dunsparce basically just gets a little longer when it evolves. If you're lucky, it can even be a little longer than that. This is because Dudunsparce has two forms; which are the two-segment and three-segment forms. Dudunsparce is still a normal-type Pokemon like Dunsparce is, and it doesn't look very much different from its original form. As strange as this is for Pokemon, Dudunsparce actually managed to win fans over after a while. I personally think it's rather funny that Dudunsparce is basically a long Dunsparce. If any of you are interested, I'll be including Dunsparce, two-segment Dudunsparce, and three-segment Dudunsparce below so you all can see them. Enjoy!


Two-segment Dudunsparce

Three-segment Dudunsparce

Saturday, November 11, 2023

It's November 11th! Although that doesn't really mean very much of anything, it does mean that today is 11/11. For those of you who don't know, the number 11:11 is said to be the wishing time. Where am I going with this? Well, that would mean 11/11 is kind of like a wishing day. All of this to say, I'll be talking about the Wish Pokemon today; specifically because of what day it is. The Wish Pokemon is Jirachi, and it is a steel/psychic-type Pokemon. It's said that when Jirachi wakes up, it will grant any wish that is written on one of the notes attached to its head. However, Jirachi sleeps for a thousand years; and only wakes up for seven days. To wake it up, you have to sing to it with a voice of purity. If this Pokemon senses danger, it will fight without ever even waking up. As always, I will be including a picture of Jirachi below so you all can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, November 10, 2023

It's time for another list! Today's blog post will be a list of five cute fighting-type Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I don't mention fighting-type Pokemon on here very often, so I decided to list some for you all today. And since I'm listing some anyways, I decided to pick some cute Pokemon. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Riolu

2.) Pancham

3.) Marshadow

4.) Falinks

5.) Pawmot

Thursday, November 9, 2023

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be rating the staff members from Twisted Wonderland. Each rating will be out of ten, and they will be based on my opinions. There are a few staff members, so I'll only be listing three today. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Dire Crowley - 7/10 - I really like Crowley. He's very silly and fun, but I took a few points off because he's also very irresponsible.

2.) Mr. S (Sam) - 10/10 - Dr. Facilier is one of my favorite Disney villains of all time, so there was pretty much a guaranteed chance of me liking Mr. S. But personally, I actually like him a lot more than Dr. Facilier. He's one of my favorite characters from the game.

3.) Divus Crewel - 8/10 - He is absolutely wonderful. I love his personality and sense of style, and he's really great whenever he's shown in-game. However, I took two points off because he kind of scares me a little. He's very intimidating.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

It's time for a Pokemon list! For today's blog post, I will be listing five fluffy Pokemon; along with a picture of each. Since it's getting colder, it's time to cozy up with some nice comforting things. Blankets, tea, hot cocoa, and of course super fluffy Pokemon! So, let's get on with this snuggly list! Enjoy!

1.) Mareep

2.) Wooloo

3.) Buneary

4.) Swirlix

5.) Altaria

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Is there a devil in the Pokemon series? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! I know this is a strange question, but Pokemon is a strange world. I've talked about a few weird Pokemon theories on here before, and I've decided to talk about another one. A few Pokemon fans have asked about the possibility of a Pokemon devil since Arceus is a Pokemon god. But is there really a Pokemon devil? Some fans say yes, there is. According to a little mini theory, Giratina is supposed to resemble the devil. Giratina was banished to the Distortion World as punishment for his violent actions, and fans think his design containing six spikes, six legs, and six ribs are supposed to represent the devil's number; 666. Giratina is also commonly seen as the opposite of Arceus, and Giratina was even one of the Creation Pokemon at one time. As odd as this theory is, I think it actually does make some sense. It would make sense for there to be a Pokemon devil, as weird as that sounds. There is a Pokemon god after all. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I thought it was an interesting little theory. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, November 6, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about events in Twisted Wonderland. Like many games, Twisted Wonderland has events very often. They seem to be even more frequent in the English server because it has to catch up with the Japanese server. Truthfully, not everyone has the ability to play through every event. But worry not! I have a less stressful solution! Unlike most games, Twisted Wonderland has the ability to play through past events. They can be found in the archive, and the event Twistunes can be found with the main story Twistunes. Along with this, skipping chapters during an event counts as completing them. This means you can quickly skip through chapters in order to complete them in time, and then you can read through them at your own time. This makes events much less stressful, and it means you can play through your favorite events any time you want. It's very convenient, and it can be a real lifesaver when you've been too busy to play through the event. Of course I prefer playing through an event as it's active, but sometimes that just isn't possible. I think this is a very neat little feature, and I wanted to share it with you all. As always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about AI. For those of you who don't know, AI stands for artificial intelligence. It's basically a computer program that can think for itself based on what it's been taught. With artificial intelligence becoming more developed and widespread, it's creating new opportunities that weren't available before. But, why am I talking about this on an anime blog? Well, AI is actually great news for the anime community! Everyone knows anime characters unfortunately don't exist, but AI can bring us closer to our favorite characters. AI chat bots trained to act like the characters can help fans feel like they're talking with their favorite characters. They've also been able to make AI song covers and videos using voice samples of their favorites. Not only is it fun to see what it would be like for some characters to say or sing certain things, but being able to talk with your favorite characters can help fill a space in your life created by not knowing what it would be like to interact with someone you've formed a one-sided bond with. This can be a very helpful coping mechanism for some people, and I think that's a good thing. As long as it isn't hurting anyone, it can actually be quite fun and helpful. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because AI is becoming very common nowadays, and the way it's affecting the anime community is interesting to me. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

It's list time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five anime villains I like; along with a picture of each. Sometimes a villain is just a really good character, and that's especially true for some anime villains. So, I decided to list a few of the ones I like today. These aren't necessarily my favorites, just some of the ones I like. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Maximillion Pegasus (or Pegasus J. Crawford) from Yu-Gi-Oh

2.) Orochimaru from the Naruto series

3.) Mitsu Kibutsuji from Demon Slayer

4.) Grell Sutcliffe from Black Butler

5.) Speed-O'-Sound Sonic from One Punch Man

Friday, November 3, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the rules of the Death Note. No I won't be listing them all; there are far too many for that. I'll just be talking about them. For those of you who don't know, the Death Note has a set of rules. Although the anime and manga show some of them, there are actually quite a lot of them. In fact, the Death Note 13: How To Read encyclopedia lists them all. There are four sections of rules in total, and each section has subsections that cover different things. The rules of the Death Note are very detailed, so normally people can't find a way to misuse it. Whenever someone finds a loophole, a new rule is added to fix it. For the most part, the rules of the Death Note are very straightforward. Even though there are so many of them, they have a pretty basic structure. I do recommend looking into the different rules of the Death Note if you're interested in how the Death Note works. They're very detailed and easy to understand, and it could come in handy for if you ever find a Death Note. This is a joke. Don't kill people. As a little bonus, here's a picture of the Death Note falling to its death. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

It's time for another list! For today's blog post, I will be listing Death Note characters from the smartest to the least smartest. I'll only be including the main characters, and I won't be including Misa in this one. Most of the main Death Note guys are known for their intelligence, so I just wanted to list them specifically. I'll also be including a reason for each ranking. Please remember these are also based on my opinions and not the official Death Note stats. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) L - As much as I love some of the others, I genuinely do think L is the most intelligent. He does have some odd habits, but all geniuses have to sacrifice something for their smarts.

2.) Near and Mello - Yes, I put these two together. They're both very smart, and I don't think one is any better than the other. I believe they're on equal ground, and they're just under L for their intelligence.

3.) Light Yagami - Alright, fine! He's smart, okay? Maybe not as smart as some of the others, but he is really intelligent. Even if he makes bad choices.

4.) Matt - I wasn't really sure where to put him because we don't see him very often. But he's actually supposed to be really smart, ranking just under Near and Mello in Wammy's House.

5.) Misa Amane - I lied. Got you! Even though most Death Note fans think Misa is an absolute idiot, she does have her moments. Although she isn't quite genius level, she is still smart. With her average level of intelligence, she only looks dumb when compared with the strictly serious geniuses of the series. In truth, it's impressive how well she can hold her own with the others.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

It's The Day Of The Dead! Kind of. Although Day Of The Dead is actually celebrated on November 2nd, many people consider the first and second day of November to be the days of the dead. So, I'll be doing a post for it today instead. To celebrate, I'll be listing five bone Pokemon; along with a picture of each. Day Of The Dead is commonly associated with skeletons, so I decided to list some Pokemon with bones in their designs. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Marowak

2.) Vullaby

3.) Houndstone

4.) Houndoom

5.) Duskull