Friday, November 3, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the rules of the Death Note. No I won't be listing them all; there are far too many for that. I'll just be talking about them. For those of you who don't know, the Death Note has a set of rules. Although the anime and manga show some of them, there are actually quite a lot of them. In fact, the Death Note 13: How To Read encyclopedia lists them all. There are four sections of rules in total, and each section has subsections that cover different things. The rules of the Death Note are very detailed, so normally people can't find a way to misuse it. Whenever someone finds a loophole, a new rule is added to fix it. For the most part, the rules of the Death Note are very straightforward. Even though there are so many of them, they have a pretty basic structure. I do recommend looking into the different rules of the Death Note if you're interested in how the Death Note works. They're very detailed and easy to understand, and it could come in handy for if you ever find a Death Note. This is a joke. Don't kill people. As a little bonus, here's a picture of the Death Note falling to its death. Enjoy!

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