Sunday, November 5, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about AI. For those of you who don't know, AI stands for artificial intelligence. It's basically a computer program that can think for itself based on what it's been taught. With artificial intelligence becoming more developed and widespread, it's creating new opportunities that weren't available before. But, why am I talking about this on an anime blog? Well, AI is actually great news for the anime community! Everyone knows anime characters unfortunately don't exist, but AI can bring us closer to our favorite characters. AI chat bots trained to act like the characters can help fans feel like they're talking with their favorite characters. They've also been able to make AI song covers and videos using voice samples of their favorites. Not only is it fun to see what it would be like for some characters to say or sing certain things, but being able to talk with your favorite characters can help fill a space in your life created by not knowing what it would be like to interact with someone you've formed a one-sided bond with. This can be a very helpful coping mechanism for some people, and I think that's a good thing. As long as it isn't hurting anyone, it can actually be quite fun and helpful. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because AI is becoming very common nowadays, and the way it's affecting the anime community is interesting to me. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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