Thursday, November 16, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about my favorite cringey anime. Normally when someone says an anime is cringey, you don't want anything to do with it. But, I genuinely love this one. And that anime, is Diabolik Lovers. This anime is based on the otome games of the same name, and it's been pretty much forgotten by the anime community. It does have some fans, but not many. Truthfully, it can be a bit difficult to watch at times. But I still love it. It's so much fun to make jokes and have a good time while watching it. Sometimes it can get incredibly ridiculous, and I can't help but laugh. I know it isn't meant to be funny, but I like it because I find it funny. Diabolik Lovers also has a very pretty and gothic animation style that I adore. The voice actors also did a wonderful job. I've watched the English sub and the English dub, and both of them were very good. It's very hard to find the English dub though. If you think it would be easier to just buy the DVD of it; it isn't. The Blu-ray version is still currently available, but it's nearly impossible to find a normal DVD of it. Aside from making fun of the show, I really do like it. My favorite character is Kanato, even though he's practically insane. I recommend this show if you like cringey vampire romance things. I don't recommend it if you get uncomfortable easily. As a little bonus, here's a picture of Kanato. Enjoy!

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