Sunday, November 19, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the most wanted characters who weren't included in Twisted Wonderland. Twisted Wonderland already has a pretty decently sized cast of characters. But, there are three characters that fans really want to see. These are the characters that I see mentioned most of all when the fans talk about missed opportunities. Who are these characters? None other than Pain, Panic, and Iago. For those of you who don't know, Pain and Panic are from Hercules. This means characters based on them would've been in Ignihyde. Iago is from Aladdin, which means a character based on him would have been in Scarabia. I personally agree when fans say this was a huge missed opportunity. First of all, these characters are really popular. Iago especially is a much loved character. Secondly, Ignihyde and Scarabia are such small dorms! Both of them only have two characters each, and both of the characters in Ignihyde are based on Hades. That is a tragedy. Adding characters based on Pain, Panic, and Iago would've been so fun to see! Scarabia and Ignihyde both could use some more characters, and not having these characters is just silly. They're fan favorites! Maybe we'll see something based on them in the future, but as of right now they're just wasted potential. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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